7440 DARC? With music om 1005 vey poor at -100dbm Liangas 5/1
6070 DARC also with -70dbm . radio amateur news ‘MBG’ in German
1010 DK2OM noticed
9610 AWR 1020 with talks in
Italian . -85dbm with modulation of -95
dbm full of local noise of -120dbm
9650.05 SABC 1032 phone in
discussions with many muslim greetings and Arabic music . Nice
that the lowering of electricity or grid-off helped me listen to this station better even
if the noise is on the same level! Poor modulation of -110dbm at -82dbm signal . SABC announced in 1104
9795 CNR poor at -90 over 120 dbm local noise
11675 Farda 1046 with phone ins mega
signal at -45dbm and 12 khz wide band
9420 & 9890 CNR13 Uighur pop song 1100 -80dbm
9180 CNR in the frequency 1113
man with talks -97dbm
9275 FEBA in Chinese 1114 -95.9
9315 CNR? Tlks in Chinese
9530 IRIB in Arabic 1119 with poor modulation -75 signal; , -96 for modulation
, -100 local noise (mains power returned ..)
11297U 1130 Russian with meteo
and pressures sudden stop
11745 Saudi AL Azm 1132 with
phone in talks in Arabic -73dbm Seems having co channel QRm Huna Akbar
Most interesting logs here Zach and especially the SABC one, I have not been able to hear SABC for many years now!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSABC is still not listed in eibi!