Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Logs 29/12/19

2x16 m ,RSP1a and Console 

7550 music that seems as Hindi in pop song mentioning many times of Jesu[s] Man talking in an Indian like language Braj basa noticed by  the schedule  a Rajastani language from TWR via Yerevan
7615 Vo Wilderness  1456 man shouting and weeping in Korean 1457 Religious sounding song -109.5 dbm best only in SSB modes(no Asm nor SAM )) Off 1500
7665 CNR or Cri 1500 with -72dbm mixed with a cland  station possibly Soh or RFA The one is not in Chinese but rather Cantonese or something same  NO entry in eibi
9610 AWR 1046  with music and talks in Italian. -76 dbm
9750 Kuwait in Pilipino language on 1129 Discussions between man and woman. Quite funny to listen this service in this frequency. Mixed Pilipino and  English  as usual. Making discussion on ‘makaronan’ (macaroni?) and someone called Konsantin with disability .even the telephone calling was in English Doctor  Emily .Signal  -72dbm  and 10 kHz wide
9820 CNR hers as early as 1137 with talks in CC . signal is just -96!
9890 CNR13 Uighur -95.1dbm with talk by YL with background  music. Just some local noise Also on 9420 with the same signal level
9910 CNR jammer 1150 man with talks -81dbm
15130 IRIB Arabic in the very poor -110 dbm
15140 RHC Cuba 1209 poor at -110 with news Some short music pause on 1214  that immediately returns into news
15145 Oman , talks by two men in Arabic , 1200 with ID ida’atu Oman and news headlines. Bandwidth is 2x9 kHz maximum signal is -84dbm falling down  to -110 dbm  S7 RHC is transmitting 15140 in Spanish that annoys clear reception
15180 CNR with only traditional music. In the poor at 110 or S3
15240 IRIB signing off  with its typical music Signal -61.3 dbm Noticed as Hebrew
15300 RFI  1224 with only -95dbm News with phone ins in French
15490 BBC in French with woman talking in English and immediately translated by the news caster Language is also mixed with Vietnamese . Sclaves in Kuwait with possibly illeal female trafficking. Abrupt signal off 1230.-61dbm max signal around  -70 dbm mean 2x5250 khz   wide QRMed by stanag station on 15495 with-100 dbm
15676 Kontayner OTHR  in only 6 Khz mode… Signal in only -116 dbm
15770 WRMI with ToM . pastor “with  glory to God” . Song with YL having an high level of pitch later 1246 telephone 843701053 the overcomer , www.overcomerministry.com Jesus coming .1249 with self advert 1318how many dys have gone? Jesus the sweet nice guy -73dbm (S9 ) very clear audio 2x8 kHz
15825  WWCR -86dbm with religious talks 1320 and 1336

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