1725 Slavic pirate with -67 dbm
signal and traditional Slavic song
3110 and 3148 and 3180 Slavic pirates
1845+ 3480 is a harmonic of 1640 Greek QSO
pirate net
4405 TAH meteo newsletter on English 1819 with male voice 1823 mentioning Turkey -64dbm
4712 talsk in Russian USb on 1828
many thanks
4955 ??? talks in German 1829
6765 Bangkok Meteo 1919 with meteos
-100dbm neatl marginal
6607 4XZ 1923 with CQ DX in Morse
mode -90dbm
6520 seems VOP transmitting but signal is -9db only mixing wit the local noise… 1928
6280 1932 CHN jammer with marginal signal at -100
6270 VoIran 1933 talks in Farsi S-80fast
and strong QSB to -100
6255 VOP Seems left the 6245 or 6250 gating intat frequency 1935 with -85dbm
6040 IRIB? 1940 Man talking in English abt Turkey -53low but sharp audio
Also on 6060 in Arabic with sharp audio in
low modulation
6050 TRT 1945 international news headlines
in English ID 1947 -43dbm max 2x5.4kHz
6030 Oromiya 1957 with HoA song with -82dbm had qite poor
6010 IS music Vatican Radio 2000 African
service with prg in English -58dbm about
6000 station in Korean 2006 with mixed Korean jammer -90dbm VoHope
noticed in eibi
5995 Mali 2014 in man with talk in French as per Eibi . the best filter is around 2000Hz
or lower and only on USB due to QR from 5990 Romania
11253 Shanon Volmet -82 dbm 2032 in
between a fence of -102 carriers on every 4kHz
11860 RHC 1033 Havana Cuba mixed with ??
program in Spanish
11930 REE 1035 in Spanish mentioning Cuba -85 dbm
4905 XZBPS Xizang in TB and 4920 with same power on 2143 at -90 dbm
man singing , talsk by YL
4885 unclear but possibly it is Brazilian station CDPara??
4890 Korean 2144 station in clear
freq (except the Qrn ) with -79dbm max
4800 CNR 2146 with adverts prg -80dbm
4820 XZPBS CC with music -85dbm
4745 talksin Eg? -95 2152
Lots of logs + extras, some really good stuff here to see and read about Zach, thanks for sharing!