Σάββατο 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Logs 14/12/19

3935 VoP 2250 jammed by N Koreans with Korean pop song and the next is a version of well known American song -71dbm  Also on 3910 same power
4710U 2054 discussions in supp Spanish lang <-100dbm
4771.2 multicarrier on off keying on tune in 2000 and then. Alarm channel marker?
5995 Mali 2206 talks by man in Local and French lang together -74 dbm
6070 seems as ToM with prayer talking possibly political on 2206 mIxed with a FSK signal of 50 bd -85dbm
6230 CNr with music mixed with a USB operator @ 2135 with  -95dbm which seems typical to weather forecasts in Enlgish Unknown if it is Wiluna AU as notices in Ute sources: They stopped on 2147 audio http://bit.ly/2RSQqBu  and http://bit.ly/34o5ERA
7235 DRM station R.Romania on 1948 Unfortunately the station is not decodable due to low signal
7365 Vatican radio starting on 2000 with program in English , found of joy followed by a same song .. -75dbm
7375 Algerie 1954 qur’anic chants Signal is nearly overmodulated as shown in the spectran due to relatively suppressed carrier ‘Idaatu quran’  ID on 1956 and nasyid song after. S-55dbm Two CRI stations stopped on 1955 Sudden s/off leaving a station with rock music from R Romania The is also some on off carrier on 7380
7425 BSKSA   2003 Quranic verses -86dbm Better in USB with filter above 4 kHz fr the best audio
7465 VoA  with talks in Korean 2021 very poor signal at -90dbm
7475 R Tailand with program in German 2001 Indian ppl in tourism in Thailand Max -62 dbm again 2028 with carrier of -67sbm signal
7508.8 .- -. Marker D from Russia 2033 with -95 dbm
7520 CNR mixed with firedrake against RFA on 2026 with-632dbm signal . Cross carrier difference 200 Hz with 15+dbm difference against CNR

1368 radio 13 1920 with old good Greek music of 80s they sent also a dedication to me Semi local unofficial station -53dbm
1404  R Rom Actualitaţi nice traditional songs 1929 and very clear at -60dbm
1566 non IDed  local pirate with old greek songs . the funny with this station is its mysterious amplitude. LSB has good modulation while USB goes poor Good at  -60dbm and steady.
1143 Kanali 19 heard in bed after 2245 till ...i slept ! Local station with 40/13 indications in the PL380  and old pop greek yeye songs of 60s and 70s

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