Σάββατο 5 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Logs of 2.10.19

Usιng the R75 receiver with the 2x16 m antenna

4930  VoA 1823 talk in pres Swa S5 vs S3 local QRN
6070  DARC  with old rocs on 1812
7235 IRIB 1821  IS music then ID in Albanian  with national hymn  then with Quranic preacher  Signal just S10
7360  unIDed with BoH clock and talks in Russian without mentioning any ID  S5 . On that time as per EiBi till 1830 is VoTurkey French ..! Nothing on 4.10……
7405 a stanag 4825  signal inside the band on 1828 S9 signal
7485 BBC 1825 noticing Copperfield and a launch into the news S9 Also found on 7405 talking about films and streaming on 1828
7540 VOA Deewa 1825 ID ed in double by YL mentioned also Mahatma Ghandi as a topic S9
9655 R Algerienne 1838 ‘Maharatul ‘  head with poor audio while the signal is S9 best using LSB to avoid strong   QRM from 9660
9675 BSKSA 1918 in Turkic mentioning Turkey  and Afghanistan> Pronunciation is a bit different from the standard Turkish even if noticed as TU in EiBi
9740 poss KBS 1852 signal near to S4? Peculiar type of traditional songs y monotonous male voices with short definition noticed in Spanish . A bit before the sudden end on 1859 Korea was noticed . signal was in the same level with the local noise making me marginally understand the language…
12050 Ndarason 1909 female voiced singing  . then talks by YL in afro language (Kununura noticed) S9

1548 TWR 1758  a carrier awaiting with S9 with Arabic station under. Progam started 1800 with Bulgarian

963 RIK Cyprus 1920 +2000 with old Greek songs of 70s and 80s . very nice music collection since most station of our local FM use the today’s ‘garbage’ except  a less than handful stations. On 2000 with news  and continued again with old songs under the title ‘the songs of the clan’ Station is not always heard in clear as in that day
Example 4.10 with a station  pos Algeria In French

657  RAI 2030+ 2054  //900 is running a test programsing for selling his tanmitters for anyone who is interested . this is whay I understand from the mini clip
The audio is made experimentally in WMA version 10.Just in case you cant listen please replace the dl=1 to dl=0 so possibly that it van be played from the DB server

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