Raw text with may news frequencies
9825 CNR1 Talks in Chinese by YL in open room 1302 poss from Guo Mintang I think that this s s new transmission. for this time CO ch QRM making a signal filter of 3-4 HZ -70 /-85 lower in 4 secs around 4.5 kHz for best audio Talks in English and Chinese Municipal Annoying reception even with Synch ‘Hopin Xinhua “ Some QRM on same time ?Also on 9680 QRMed and 9860 in clear -80db 1318 with ID . Underneath a stαtιon with tamil language that is heard on 1318
9825 CNR1 Talks in Chinese by YL in open room 1302 poss from Guo Mintang I think that this s s new transmission. for this time CO ch QRM making a signal filter of 3-4 HZ -70 /-85 lower in 4 secs around 4.5 kHz for best audio Talks in English and Chinese Municipal Annoying reception even with Synch ‘Hopin Xinhua “ Some QRM on same time ?Also on 9680 QRMed and 9860 in clear -80db 1318 with ID . Underneath a stαtιon with tamil language that is heard on 1318
Vid Bharti 1327 with hindi songs . good
at 6.42 kHz bandwidth on -85dbm
non typical Hindi type song on 1323 mena mameena 1326 with ID 1329 TWR IS with
new language mentioned in Hindi
VoA Ashna 1500 after the clock with iD and
news -80db //9350 -70dbm
11815 TRT 1445 with twice ID as Radio Bir -65dbm
9885 possibly KNLS singing off 1857 with program in Russian S9 +10
9820 1858 afghan song -89 dbm sudden s/off
KNLS 1900 with IDs with KNLS and USA starting with a erotic pop song. !! (your
animal 5kHzx2 bandwidth )
1905 QRMer with Chinese songs (not fierdraker )
CNR? Talk in Chinese noting on 2058 a carrier on 519.9
CRIn in Arabic 2053 with Chinese lessons S+20 or -55dbm >Around20 kHz wide
Progam in French 2054,56 seems as RFI too many talks and laughs afro songs
RFA in Korean ID 2100 immediate talks S-81 (S8)
WWW ETN with ID on 2102 religious talks mentioning Jesus as Ye4Su3 S9+8db (-64)
RFA korean 2104 too poor -100 dbm on -120db noise
WRMI again 2106 with -90dbm signal English talks
spur? 2107 talks in English seems as CRI -110dbm max Signal lowered even more
after 2110
also another ver low power signal
RHC ? -110 dbm
11985 AWR (new )2123 with talks in unIDed language that
seems or African mixed wit English and address in Nigeria awrnigeria@yaho.com and the hymn of YMCA
RHC 2134 cuban music then YL talking about Cuban doctors then again a old song
Walat? Good signal at S9 to +10 (-60dbm max ) with talks by YL 6200HZ wide
RAI with reel on disability service till 2157 Now on SDR with much greater audio , program seen returned back on 2157
Arabic station with quran2100 . th3re is
a signal of steady -91 dm on 596
VoPeople 2110 s now in this freq S8 with
15 db of fading the spectran shows a
fading signal on 4885 but is simple carrier 2110
RWM with maxima at -78dbm S7
5140 Charleston Intl 2119 is back with S7 signal -87 dbm and typical program of 40s
Interesting logs here Zach and it is quite obvious you are having much better reception conditions in Greece (or are some of these using remote SDR receiver?) compared to the Pacific area