Periodically listening with the SDR (RSP1a and Console ) connected into the 2x16m with 10m +10 m extension of RG58 MOst stations below are new
11610 VoA Washington Somali 1600 after playing urkic song with the ID advising language and then with news S20 Still on 1710
11660 1722 with man talking in afro language No info on ebi yet , stations uses religious Christian format and -70 dbm (S9) ans is too trebly At ±3.9kHZ the best is around ±2.6 or less 1727 off
11660 TWR in Amharic with -70dbm/S9 /±6.4 KHz Wide stopping program at 1730 “KU segalee “ with a new program in related language (also sounded as Amharic )
11720 unIDed
15580 VoA 1837 one of the handful stations in the band with S9 with program in English Also 15730 in French S9
7245 TWR 1831 religious program in Amharic or similar mentions of Zakara -55/S9+20/±5 at gmail kHz Different lang den?i defrat gmail IS of TWR on 1845
7255 and 7265 CR in Russian and Bulgarian language respectively !
7305 IRIB in Abanian with -60db but poor audio at 1849 at 1853 mentioning abt Khaliphs Imams and audio trace below ±3.5kHz
7425 BSKSA Quran 1852 man praying -75dbm/S9
7508 D mark -.. 1900 in max S3 -100dbm
7570 VoK is now back here 1908 ! S8 max Max audio bw 3.8 mixed with some inherent noise and Spanish program
9390 VoA ? program in Kurdish 1739 man referring to music and other themes while being with phone ins -60dbm/S+8max/ ±5kHz BW
9410 CRI in Romanian 1708 with news mentioning XiJin Pn 2x7400 Hz width -73dBm
9765 VoA old pop songs , mentioning Olivia newton John on 1752 with YL talking between songs -ID by man hajimewa aMerica .. des referring to the American cities in the news 52dbm /S9+15/±5.8Khz
9775 unIDed 1757 mentioning kitab ‘qadiimmin lillahi’ ‘sawtu lillahi’ -6dbm / S9+20 / ±4.2 KHZ sudden stop 1759 suppose Saudi Arabia
9785 DW in Hausa *1800(lost ) EW labaron dunia , mentioning Athens , congress so possibly VoA -81max Also on //9830 -90
9830 AWR 1612 in Bulgarian with religious talks -70dbm
9875 CRI? program in English , my mother …. From the cente of CRI at 1630(?) curiosity mentions on China etc Chatter passes the BoH -80 dbm max
9885 KNLS 1807 in Russian mentioning bible and Christos many times with an email noticed as ‘padres sutka , net’ ID on 1820 giving address then with a guitar song -63//S9+15/± 5.5
9915 BBC for sure 1823 seems an interview -71dbm
9435 +/- 8.4kHz on 1707+width a digital signal with totally different than DRM…This is a multi OFDM kind of signal smething similar to kontayner
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