Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Fast Monitoring on Jul 27and 28

4885 RCPara on 2230 with singal S1-2
9330 WBCQ just marginal or no signal same time
9320 same time with S3 RFA in Lao? >>>Khmer as in eibi 

Please read my QTH noise probem (500 words )

15745 suposdly Xizang PBS 0836 with just S1 here in SKG . poor also in belgium K spot  (hainaut-picardie.ddns.net)
15800 & 15940 CNR jammers . In Belgium K Spot both with good signal  (<S10) While  15940 is very poor  here 15800 is covered by footstep jammer (read the link above about the local noise  for more or look the video on https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4pIK0k9k-J8 )

Additional writen on 1830+ UTC loged on 12+ 

4905& 4920 poss Xizang PBS with same signal 1232
6200 Jinling? 1234 nixe signal at -40db max with nice chinese pop songs . Short advert on 1240 for 2 minutes
7240 no signal
7385 a sattion in CC  -40db 1246

Bandung Kspot
11665 WAI FM old song 1248 poor st S5 Berita utama (main news) at 1300
3325 just carrier at S5 not VoIns?  on 1817 with a carrier S9 while noise is S7
4750 buzying carrier S9 unnknown if is VoIns Also on 1816
4810 AIR 1252 AIO with S6
4905 & 4920 waterfall shows same audio pattern .Both are heard to have coch QRM with some tremble
5010 AIR S9 mixed with the local QRN for a result of O2
5040 AIR Dehi S7 1255  with the local QRN for a result of O2

MAgyar spot
9420 again ERA off at 1951

Τρίτη 23 Ιουλίου 2019

60 m in Jakarta on 1030

60 m spetrogram in Jakarta kiwi spot 

Short 60 m sectrogram for Jakarta on 1030+ today 23 with stations:
4750 Bandung ,VoINs with pop song and then talks in Eng S9 ON 1040 with lessons of In'sian lang . Nothing  found on 3325. It seems that VoI is now fullly replacing the previous of 3325 that is still noticed in their announcemments...
4885 VoPeople >>NK  S5
4900 V o Stait  CH S8
4940 V of Strait S7 CH   diff than 4990
5000 WWWH S7 tones and time mention by YL
5050 Beibu Bay  CH S8 song , news at 1037

There are also several digital signals that are shown in the right part of the photo...

Please  let me now if you like this format of logs...

Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου 2019

LOgs for 20.7.19

All updates in the end of this email !!! 
(7550 and Xizang PBS )

Typical sytem with R75 and 2x16 inV and the tortured tablet with no autocorect with poor CPU....
Logs as hand writen with separation between broacasting and nonbroadcastin material.

15150 1522 marginal at S1 with language that seems arabic  Poss tamazuj
15245 1525 talsk in Englsih maximum at S3
15365-85  29b6 Container  tasnmitter with signal S5 max
15550 Dabanga 1527 with Interval signal and mentions by man as dabanga then normnal brodcasting in araboc
15565 Vatican Radio 1530 prgramn in Amharic mentioning Papas Frangiskos (the greek way !!)several times adn also Vatican atleast 3 times S9
15670 AWR 1535 prgram in English  'to kill or ... life can accident" S9
15225 BSKSA 1530  with ID sawt al islam  number  3???43 then with program sabhami kitab (reading Quran)
6100 V of Afghan with poor audio , ;language seems russian QRMed by others
7205 XJPBS UI 1553 with adverts , string co ch QRM S7
7230 XJPBS 1600 with clock . mixe with CNR or CRI in Chinese Guitar play only n a rather funny style
9380 AIR  on 1613 with just S2 and hindi songs...
7240 Tibet is now only in this freq //7450 as checked in my QTH , a kiwi sdr in magyar (duckdns) and India (twrmon) Also all otehr freqs are vacant due to a local antenna service as noted by Glenn.

update :Additions to the previous logs on 75xx 
7550  today  20 AIR in back with digital stream at S9 . The station in korean is also inthe freq and reltively audible. In contrast this sattion is heard in clear in Japan with good signal  and poor in Vietnam..AIR does not reach them..
And some audios for anyne who can help:

On 21  have listened for more than 30 minute  in the tokyo spot to find a ID Below youwill find a propagation drawing for around 7 minutes. There is also an audio uploaded in instaudio before  the ToH . Also on 2045 a mini Jap langauge window for 2 minutes hen back into Korean.

7575 is only carier  in both 1855 and 1900 (????)
7540 Deewa in PS via UD Thani THailand on 1858 with a song that seems quite as dangdut but with hindi style pitch I was wandering in these  freqs locaing the sign off
7545 on 1902 with  non synch 75 bd RTTY  FSK mode

XIzang PBS presume temp tansmiter shortage ...
due to poisble service of transmitters
Please testtoay these freqs :
>4905, 4920, 6025, 6130, or 7385 off   (Glenn on 20th )
Also , today 5060 is off at while 7240 at 1616 for their Chinese service  (zach )
7240 /7450 are on  for Chinese service while 6050 4820 (AIR only ) 5935 are off at 1710  . tested  in Thesaloniki and my fav remore kiwi in Magyar (duckdns)right now

6607 4XZ CW marker very poor tht time (1610 )
7734U oprators in posibly arabic lang 1606
7970U QSO in portuguese 1609

Logs for 16.7.19

Logs  for 16-7-19 with the standard system of R75/ 16 m inV.
Typicxal by time logs

9330 WBCQ nothing on 1859 
9420 ERT active with S9 and moderate QSB  with a soing tht pases on ToH 1901
9445 AIR 1904 with new s in ENglish S9
7550 (NEW )talsk in korean 1905 wirh S10 signal . with very long talks . IN 2000 wtil with talsk tht pases the top o hour . 7575 same time a carrier that still remains for 10 mins at least Needs more research 
AIR was off that day 

7485 1908 KBS? just S3 with talks inkorean  >>>VoA 
7810 SoHope ?? 1916 talk n Chinese but is in the uxt of local noise
5140 1917 Charleston with Italian song of 50s then with German S7
4750 Bangladesh 1947 with poor audio and strong bussing carrier S7
3990VoP 2005 mixed with strong NK QRM  The sane in 3910

gr33k pirat3s and MW stations 
4837.15 S4  1917-26 harmonic of greek on 1613.57v S9 only . station plays in loop the same song of  a wall kneon greek singer
1512 unn own pirate 1928 with rebetiko song S3
1431 the italian?  sation again is heard with FSK transmision....1929 tested aloso the next local nights 
1566 poss TWR Mali 1940 with talks in an afro lang Max signal at S3

Nonbroadcasting :
7531.9  stanag 4581 1912 idling at 75 bd
4020.6 The horn 1958 poor uinder a FSK signal 
12606  sounds as pacman 2020+

Δευτέρα 15 Ιουλίου 2019

K-SDR logs for 11-7-19

K-SDR logs for 11-7-19
Fast bandscans with time ascending

MOskow SDR 
4010 Kirgiz 1637 with S9 but very low modulation
4750 BAngladesh 1637 S7 with old song
4765 Tajikistan 1639 S7  (-80)
4775 CIS12 digital signal S7 1693
4800 CNR with pop soong 1240 S7
4810 AIR 1641 withlow audio S7
4880U operator tals inRu 1640
4885 VoP >NK 1643 poor S7
4895 AIR 1644 Bolly songs S8
4950 FSK at S20 5- bd at unknown mode
4930 VoA S7 only as carrier  very low mod
4995 RWM RU time signal at S1- and fast keying  (-60db)
5010 AIR Thiru... 1651 with tals in English S10
5130 ??? 1653 with S9
6015 XInjiang PBS 1658 UIghur  S10  -80 db
6195 BBC WS 1658 bells S10
7330 CRI1704 news in Eng IDS10
7540 VoA farsi 1707 S10 (-55)
9100 VoP 1709 is quite clear from digital QRM from NK

Nvorgogad SDR 
9380 AIR 1714 with songs . returned again
9420 CNR 13 S10  uighur

HUngary near bucharest 
3975 S20 (-50) 6160 AM Swradio about mother ad a song follwed 2156
3995  S10 Chord music Halleluyah 2200 ID which ea not so clear
3915 S10 (-60) SInapore BBC with Trums adress on 2202
1656 NL ? pirate at S7 2223

Τρίτη 9 Ιουλίου 2019

Logs for 6.7 19

Logs still  in the time order regime because it is not so easy to do that in this tablet >Hoping that later i can do that  beter and easier ...
R75 /16x2V as usual 

15110 CNR Hammer against VOA  YL with talks 1437
6140 AIR Urdu 1446 news in HIndi 1440 ID by OM mentioning urdu service 1441 with old non-bolly song S7 QSB2
Still on 1840 with bhangra type song S10
15265 BVB 1453 reading Bible dont rejoice our creature creature relations then IDi the sevice as Christ Goispel Broadcast POB 786 in Indiana . Final IS from BVB with full adress and web  adress S20 only
9920 nothign tough expcting Teos  /FEBC 1503
9940 CNR Hammer 1507 mixed with another station under
15805  WMR here 1508 but no tace of signal except the local noise:( BUt 15825 is head with S3 max
15640 Deewa 1517 menrioning Rahul Nehru , pakistan , ID by YL awith Deewa VoA S-
6120 1520 the number 2 national anthem  of CHina 'wo ei ni Zhongguo' in  the authentic version of 80s . PBS Xinjiang in UIghur S8
9880 CRI 1528 with prg in russian with internaltional news "B mire' s9
7530 V martyrs 1530 program in Korean taslk by YL wit rhymes MAx 3
6100 R Afganistan  1535 > Carrier up to S4 barely audible ...
11770 NIgeria? 1747 news in afrio English mixed with China . again in 1934 YL mnetioning Nigeria (from  a log in top news)
11835 Thendral 1748 , with phione ins ,lang seems rather tamil , taslk as 'nerewe pareve'  then a tamil  os70s S9 sudden s//off at 1800
11750 SLBC 1811 old tamil song Best recetion on USB as there is a tation on 11700 is with S20 S9
9420 ERA today with on 1818 with S20 signal

hams pirates MW 
14258U ham 1753 QSLIng someione from Brazil and mixed with otehers S5 max
6600L 1444 operator playing songs from old cinema of aroud 50's Signasl p to S3
1431 1801 unknown seem to tansmit in FSK style  S3 .Also  heard the next nights on 22+
1377  1805 just marginal signal from CNR but can be heard..
6617U Murmansk R S3 YL with weather info in RR
6774.5U operator in RR telling   numbers , but unedr contact

Greek Pirates on 1400 
1134 (S9) westmusic .1350 (S3) greek laiko oldies ,1431 carrier S3, 1449 (S1) oldies, 1539Laikos Ihox (2), 1548.12  (6),1602( 2 sations together) ,1620 (6), 1650 (8)
Also on 4806 on 1820+ with S6 as harmonic of 1602 that is only S3

Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2019

Logs for 2/7/19

Using the standard system of R75 /2x16m V most IDed as heard unless uing Eibi (noticed in the endf of each log)
Sorted by time as usual . Possibly later to retune into  freq sorting 

12060 S10 /11985 S20 Algeria with nasyid song1954 with neatrly 55555 NOth Sk on 195710 +-10sec . Back on 20030  on 9510 and 9655 (<S10) that time with news
9420 Vogreece 2004 04 with a program in replay with a trad greek music wiuth flute lead in QSB2 S9
9425 VoK 2005  korean program just S9 signal and strong QSB+ QRM
9760 AWR in French 2007 with ID then a family program S10 olnly
9730 VoV 2008 wih prg in German S9 and poor audio
9705 Vatican R 2009 with news in Eng abt Rwanda . Strong african intonation . Killings in Syudan , discipinality (???) and punishemnt and also capital punishments.  S9 +
7810 spurious on 2021 with signal only S2 unesy to ID lang  , or posibly SOH?
7360 Vatican R , 'sportsround up' in Eng 2027 Afroservice S20 Laudetur Jesus  CHristus  then sign off
7265 CRI 7630 in italian with immediate news after IS S20
6250 Echo of Hope cland>>N K tonite quite stronger than the NK Hammer heard quite easiily . Signal S6-9 max with Slot macihine on USB in reatively clear
6230 Joy ? 2039 with pop music and up to S5 SOme QRM by 6234 STANAG S10
6185 CRI in Arab 2048 weith nice traaaditioanl music while a couple talking muisc entrepepenurrs then music with accordeoin and operas . 2050 YO de mue li shi na li S20
6170 R Romania 2051 with BUsiness Flash S20
6160  2012 with old rox , 'chat NY radio' advert , song 'be my little babe' newer version of  Ronetes  S6-7 max
6130 Xizang PBS 2125 with varous  adverts
6080 CNR1 2142 noce YL siingign with talks S5 //4800
9330 suoposedly with 0.5MW but the signal is just S2 ....
11725 as noticed by a newsletter for RNZI that time 2159 with just marginal signal at S1-2

The following logs are writen in random same day: 
1404 ERA is off 2233 Just R Rom Actualitta Oher ERA are on : 729 /1008/1305
1557 greek pirate withS8 with deidications and phon ins
1512 greek pirate 2218 just signaning off  S9
11800 Romania ?? 2202 in ENg mentioning Rumania. Signal just S2 with strong QSB
1502,933 on 2213+ using R75's ultrafine to zero in the carrier in SSB with ZAvidovici as noticed in mwlist (heard as Fidovacje ) . A carriuer is wandering and mixed with Spain . Around S3 max
15600 2205 talsk in Spanish. >>> CRI in Eibi
1431 once again a sation is using MSFK system . Unsure if this is RAI  Around 2217+ (time etimated )
1538,96 on 2210 with Hindi music supposedly Vahon mixed with RNE

Δευτέρα 1 Ιουλίου 2019

Logs for 30.6.19

using my hoome's  sytstem 

3910 VoPeople mixed with strong djammer noise from N Korea in total of S5  signal on 2006 ..DJammed signals also on 3930 and 4450
4640 two operators in USB in lang tseems arab 2007
4761.5 unknown digital system on 1947 idling , very similar to CIS12 S20  ON 2313 with S9
4765 Tajik R 1945 Signal S8 but just margial audio due to high local noise whichc is very lose to white noise
4750 Bangladesh 1949 with hindi type soing mixed with possibly CNR as there was no signal from Makassar as chacked with SDr in akarta
4820 XIzang PBS on 2015 with S7 signals and nice tadi music . CNR 4800 is still off that time
4850U QSO between two oprators using turkmenlang S9
4885 VoP in the clear  man inteviewed in phone  by woman S9 Clube do para on 2316 marginal signal
4891 CW marker with S7 signal 2321 continuous figure code. some of the numbers used are 518 and 9 - some missing -  No info on Kling
5140 Charleston 2027 with a greman song of 40s S7
6205 poss Laser Hot hits ??? 2034 with old rock song <S7  ON 2310 with S3 only but cloearer QRN
6230 pirate 2051 S9 max pop music ALso 2312 with S3
6295 seems as Ref Europe ? 2029 with talks in English S3 mixzed with high local QRN...
6320 pirate Joey 2032 with signal S7 with rock song . Nto for amrchair reception anyway. Many Thanks to Ralph Bender for the info
9420 nothing on 1942 Seems again off ...
15010 WEWN 2310 with S9 the only in the band that time..(local 0210 am !!)
3811 a mysterious 3FSK modulation on 2001 that  seems as 3 suboctave tiones

MW only one:
738 RNE 1940 with sports? program .mentioning Letonia S7
At 1377 there was noting on the band on 23+...