All updates in the end of this email !!!
(7550 and Xizang PBS )
Typical sytem with R75 and 2x16 inV and the tortured tablet with no autocorect with poor CPU....
Logs as hand writen with separation between broacasting and nonbroadcastin material.
15150 1522 marginal at S1 with language that seems arabic Poss tamazuj
15245 1525 talsk in Englsih maximum at S3
15365-85 29b6 Container tasnmitter with signal S5 max
15550 Dabanga 1527 with Interval signal and mentions by man as dabanga then normnal brodcasting in araboc
15565 Vatican Radio 1530 prgramn in Amharic mentioning Papas Frangiskos (the greek way !!)several times adn also Vatican atleast 3 times S9
15670 AWR 1535 prgram in English 'to kill or ... life can accident" S9
15225 BSKSA 1530 with ID sawt al islam number 3???43 then with program sabhami kitab (reading Quran)
6100 V of Afghan with poor audio , ;language seems russian QRMed by others
7205 XJPBS UI 1553 with adverts , string co ch QRM S7
7230 XJPBS 1600 with clock . mixe with CNR or CRI in Chinese Guitar play only n a rather funny style
9380 AIR on 1613 with just S2 and hindi songs...
7240 Tibet is now only in this freq //7450 as checked in my QTH , a kiwi sdr in magyar (duckdns) and India (twrmon) Also all otehr freqs are vacant due to a local antenna service as noted by Glenn.
update :Additions to the previous logs on 75xx
7550 today 20 AIR in back with digital stream at S9 . The station in korean is also inthe freq and reltively audible. In contrast this sattion is heard in clear in Japan with good signal and poor in Vietnam..AIR does not reach them..
And some audios for anyne who can help:
On 21 have listened for more than 30 minute in the
tokyo spot to find a ID Below youwill find a propagation drawing for around 7 minutes. There is also an audio uploaded in instaudio before the ToH . Also on
2045 a mini Jap langauge window for 2 minutes hen back into Korean.
7575 is only carier in both 1855 and 1900 (????)
7540 Deewa in PS via UD Thani THailand on 1858 with a song that seems quite as dangdut but with hindi style pitch I was wandering in these freqs locaing the sign off
7545 on 1902 with non synch 75 bd RTTY FSK mode
XIzang PBS presume temp tansmiter shortage ...
due to poisble service of transmitters
Please testtoay these freqs :
>4905, 4920, 6025, 6130, or 7385 off (Glenn on 20th )
Also , today 5060 is off at while 7240 at 1616 for their Chinese service (zach )
7240 /7450 are on for Chinese service while 6050 4820 (AIR only ) 5935 are off at 1710 . tested in Thesaloniki and my fav remore kiwi in Magyar (duckdns)right now
6607 4XZ CW marker very poor tht time (1610 )
7734U oprators in posibly arabic lang 1606
7970U QSO in portuguese 1609