5140 Charleston 2229 with 40s songs S9
5450 RF 2229 with meteo S5
5565 Shannon 2230 withmeteo S9
5840 WMR 2231 with sog ID World Music Radio SIgnal S4 only
6115 BBC 2239 S9 max with news
6210 pirate 2240 with soul music S4
9505 Marti 2245 with long ID 'por cuba' S9
15370 Radio Havana Cuba 2249 the only inthe band
6604 Gander 2252 meteo and overcasts S6
1550 RASD 2224 with signal better then RAi on 1548 S4
Some greek unofficial stations on MW : on 2210
1044 daffy (S4)/1108(?)/1368 (10)/1386 (5)/1431 UniR (15 = S9+15)/ 1485 (S6 )/ 1539 (9)/1611 (7)/1630(7) /1640 (7)/1690(9)/1730(3 with nongreek ) Also 1566 with two pirates 2225 adn 1841 wih ttwo carriers
Also found a NL pirate [?]with just S3 for only half minute on 1635 with ompah ompah german songs
6205 poss LHH 2113 with muisc S5 max
9955 WRMI 2147 just S1 with much QSB man talksing and only S1
9830 2148 CNR mixed with 'strong' RTTY /FSK 75 bd signal (S3) form PR Isabella Puerto Rico
9730 VoVietnam 2149 poor signal S3 with talks , short music clip then talks then a hip hop song S5
9413 a FSK signal with 75 bd baudot S5
9445 AIR 2159 at max S7 mixed with Pongyang while 9425 is absent!
7210/72250 CRI in spanish 217
637 R Dvoika Cze 2201 ID then song ssweet dreams (eurythmics ) S9
1476 HIndi songs 2220 mixed with anoter sattion with pop songs ...S5 >>>R Asia (mwlist)
1386 R Svoboda 2300 with IDs then news in Rusian S5
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