Monitoring 5/2
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equipment reception – mostly PL380
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9650.04 BSKSA 0923 just a carrier with Islamic prayer -73dbm with fast ades and non synchro carrier QRM on exact frequency
9765 CRI in eng 1405 with program roundtable -65dbm
9835 IRIB – R Teheran in Urdu here with max -80dbm at 1313 .Tested in both Bandung or Philipines with best signal in India at-53dbm Also Ashna with signals of -75 at best after 1400
RTM was off that time earlier than a few days ago Their transmission schedule is eaten up itself in favor to other stations.
Has anyone other tested when RTM signs off in SW these days? I most times listen to Asik and Klasik Fm via stream for clear and quasi HiFi listening (it’s a widestereo U shaped audio)
9840 Vietnam 1504 with just a signal of -110dbm
9864.5 center of a interesting sweeping signal as like a siren 1.5 khz wide
9950 no signal from AIR Dari here
9975 TWR in Cantonese 1341 with-65/115 dbm with talsk over background music Off 1345
9985 RFA tanini banana 1338 form the legenady signeer Harry Belofonte Progra in Korean -85dbm
9990 Farda 1347 with songs -84dbm best signal
11540NF radio Erdoğan mixed in synchro and winning over the Denge Welat which is herd quite low this time at -75dbm or lower at 0940 Luckily welat is again winning on 0959 talks about capitalism imperialism and Russia with audio 2x5.5kHZ . Log article
11690 AWR in Chinese 1008 with talks after a short song Just -85/115 dbm signal
11745 Al Azm S Arabia with Quran prays
15074 the most beautiful station n the Sw Band at 1029 :kontayner OTHR with -107/125 dbm !!!
15390 CNR13 at 1031 with beat turkic music Just -95 dbm Marginal outside with the PL380
15420 BBC in Somali tat is mixed with Arabic (as per eibi )1102 with news
15430 R Romania intl with IS before the ToH AT 110 with program in French with around -95dbm signal
15440 CRI in CA heard in double with -83dbm signal and a very happy song at 1055 then with fller with various talks Chinese radio com in English nice traditional music before the ToH Next program in standard Chinese
15500.01 AWR in Mongolian just -100/130 dbm , better in Qatar that I can listen top the language in clear with many noticed on Jesus Christ 18 db SNR over S7 noise there. Spectrum analysis shows higher modulation on the lower side
15570 BSKSA Holy Quran 1247 man with preaches -110/140dbm Presenter with new quran program starting after hat /1538 ID at 1253 . Not noticed in Eibi !! There are carriers in + 770 1240 1330 and 1660 Hz above ! ID on 1300 With PL380 with 28/15 signal outdoors with hets also heard // that time with 17615 -100dbm
15825 (-95 25dbR)& 15770 (-80 25db Range) are already in this frequencies
17490 CRI today in English 0919 very very clear free from any QRN and herd as HiFi due to the very high audio spread MY fav freq ! -90/-140dbm !!! About TV watching , stream audio and video and the same!
Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
Some of these logs are posted Extreme SwLing , SDRConsole HF , greek pirate log page and with photos and videos . You need to first join them
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