Τρίτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Monitoring feb 1+2


  Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise

A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them

Legend :

Now updated SDRConsele to 3.0.26

## / light-blue screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$$/green          remote kiwi reception
&&/yellow        other equipment reception – mostly PL380



1852 2108 talk in Italian with meteo 2109 noice in English

6312.5 talk in Serbian or same on 2045 Just -105 dbm

6400 Pyongyang Pansong is very early idle in the frequency at 2048  -90/115dbm signal

6604 Gander  radio  ID 2100 and off -95dbm

6617murmasnk radio 2058 meteo talks in Russian Neatly stable Signal at -81 ently stable

6666 operators in arabic 2101 with repeating words

9330 aceppt yehwa 1858 edition 36 , WBCQ ID address , opera music last chance radio,  -55/93dbm max 1900 again with new instance of the classical music and talks in German with non“Christian” catechism  New check on 2032 with -60dbm still on German

9440 CRI in English with -64/105dbm with 2x5.7kHz wide and good audio, even 4o dbSNr are not enough to have a clear audio  thanks to the aggressive noise of BPL  

9515 TWR in Fur (just Fur?) an Afro language at 1826 with -75dbm signal and some  QRM from the ver z ID at 127IDing as Radio Sama Als with graat sound at 2*4.5 kz

9525 radoi denge welat denge kurdistana ID at 1750  by YL then into a song 75 db SNR signal! Notice that  in nearly no modulation a recurring sound is heard Fidelity of 2x5.3 kHZ !!

9810 1737 tgis song sounds as malay!  This is radio Romania as noted in ?? lang at 1738 -96dbm only

9820 Station for Yahweh 1735 in English , my son etc Typical religious instructors even for some  this word can be frustrating … Satan is very powerful Sure? -80dbm

9830 CNR 1741 talks between OM and YL -92/111dbm signal IN // with 9845 sasms sinal

9890 at 1743  CNR13 in UIghur -69/115 dbm comparing to the -72/100 dbm signal of 9420  Just talks

9905 DRM from ?? with-106dbm with tooth up pattern as show in the scope  This stream  density level can hve up t p 10 db differences eibi shows radio France test signals

11769.9 Nigeria once gain logged on 11717 with -72dbm signal with talks in English off at 1719.10 leaving two local carriers at 11770.2 and .33  of -80dbm

11780 in English  poor audio seem as Afro English with086 dbm signal Thre is a ‘fence’  carrier at -100dbm




801 pirate? 2150 with Greek songs of 70s . mixed with Spanish -73dbm

1188 Payam 2136 with-77dbm and talk in Farsi even that the signal is heared as marginal … Old Persian Song  

1260 Arabic (Radio Riyadh //1512) mixed with Spanish (SER?) with Riyadh wniiing te battle in most! Both are in line with high and fast QSB

1314 Oldenia vs Actialitati : Oldenia wins with a signal of -70dbm on exactly 1314 over the 1313.98 signal of possibly RNE .there is also  carrier on 1313,896 with -80dbm that seems rather as buzzer as it has a stable signal level

1377 2226 seems as CNR with talk in CC -94

1606 off 2107 pirate wi dedications at 2107




5140 Chaρλεστον etc 2030 with only -80dbm raiding a bit to -75/100 but due to the aggressive local noise its is heard very poor

5154.1 marker .- A? at-95dbm 2034

5505 Shannon Volmet 2035 rather poor at -85 with typical meteo material

6215 QSO talk in Russian 2041 mixed with some streaming sound . -100 dbm signals

6370 kontayner 2044 at-85dbm with 15 kHz wide signal Als on 6682 center  same level

6445## low with a very clear Slot machine 20415 at only -10dbm signal

6969.5  in dutch 2050

6958## someone using a TOR variant on 2054…Short transmission only  

6400 Pyongyang 2057 jus the carrier at -82dbm IS at 2058

11610## MWV Light of Life ,talk in CC 2112 Isn’t that KNLS?

11640 CRI in English 2119 discussion with man and woman a local carrier at 150 Hz lower

9640 Cri in spanish   teaching ninhao and nihao 2125 with -45dbm signal

8939 seemas  Russian with a sinal just -84/96 , Rostov Volmet off 2130

8764 just 4 db above noise EN talks (-99) at 2133


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