Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
Some of these logs are posted Extreme SwLing , SDRConsole HF , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them
A simple audio diversity technique to test the sensitivity of two radios
Legend :
## / light blue screenshot available in FC pages
$$/green remote kiwi reception
equipment reception – mostly PL380
There was an error here with 9760 instead of 9670: it is now corrected :
##9670 Radio 292 1110 and the with classic music from Tumbril program with -80/110dbm)
##15805 WMR 1215 with nice signal opf -80/120dbm and Afroribean songs !
##17545.04 with open carrier 75/140db befere 1530 then IDing as “densi atl “mentioning mnay times America and Esaias and their tel number
Its carrier is wandring bin between 100 HZ
11000 the ‘new kind’ of Kontayner 1545 with 20 kHz has lower speed and different sped of carriers with 3+1 vacant
##6280 a CIS 40 or similar mode 2030, more than 40 carriers
6371 Pirate R391 2036 with typical op 80s song it reminds me the self control song Just -87/120dbm
##6520 and 660o VOPeople shows different reception curves surely from different tnsmission points! -85 to 0-85 max for both
6604 Gander radio 2051 with only -100dbm signal with meteo forecasts ID 2055106614
6617 Russian meteo with forecast -95dbm mod with -80dbm carrier only USB
5940 R Alegrine 2110 in French with posble ID (?) , psalms then -93/115 dbm
##7415 CRI in English 2115 with discussions interesting to notice that 7416 thre is a FSK type modem with 50 baud 180HZ at -76 dbm that sometimes kills reception during CRI’s fades 7.8x2 kHZ wide !
7570 VOK 2134 with operas for that time
##7780 WRMI back 2137 with -75dbm signal and Arabic jazz style music! 2x5 kHZ wide ID WRMI with latin songs after (no program )
6305 pirate , trance type music 2146
6371 …Radio 2202 with lost ID two songs a jingle then s off 2207
5995 Mali 2213 with trad songs -85dbm ,2232 with news in French abt Africa Les than 2x2 kHz wide
5990 jammer against Korean clands -95dbm at2234
7645 CNR jammer 2242 ? Against SOH with news and -89/-125bdbm signal
1503 Greek pirate with talks or QSO discussions ! 1548 There are two cariers under by 120 HZ .
7780 R Tirana via WRMI 2243 mentioning local stations in Albania . Albanian music 2x4.7 kHZ audio and on the program transmitting and cooperation with China
3156 Slavic pirate QSO at 2324 nor more than -90/-105dbm – spur or harmonic
198 BBC is not heard today 2330 ☹ Very sad
234 Luxembourg rather poor2331 than normal with only -88dbm and Tina Turner song
252 Algerie Chaine 3 with Arabic sings -55dbm !! 2x6.5 wide audio
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