Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
Some of these logs are posted Extreme SwLing , SDRConsole HF , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them
A simple audio diversity technique to test the sensitivity of two radios
Legend :
## / light-blue
screenshot available only in selected FC
pages as above
$$/green remote
kiwi reception
equipment reception – mostly PL380
5140 Charleston radio 1725 typical 40s sings with -87.5 at1728 with pea at-75dbm
4850 XJPBS in Kazakh 1727 with traditional music , -83/110dbm poor audio for the noise
6015 Turkic music as like from Xinjiang yes //4850 in Kazakh at 1734
6335 mid if Kontayner signal of -90dbm also at -90db on 6575 , 6665 ,6981 (-82)
6070 r292 with tumbril , no audio due to special reasons
1774 Slavic pirate with fok songs -80dbm 1618
1760 Greek ? pirate 1618 with pop rock song off 1619 qso network
1713 another slavic pirate 1710 qih 72dbm
1710 Greek pirate 1710 with -76dbm signal mysterious song seems as arabic
1700 Greek pirate sudden 1711 -60dbm with QSO
1680 another pirate wthi QSO co-ch QRM 1713
28+29/11mixed (date not referred = 28 ) didnt do autocorrect de to hasting for other asks
5945## Furusato no kaze 1615 with talks in JJ The are also several carrirs nearby them at 300 and 600 HZ below and above the carrier freq with max signal of -90dbm
6320.675 pirate at -77dbm with latin kind of music 1545+ -83/-110and low modulation.
6958,85 till 1558 with an old ARQ mode -90/1dbm
7205 Xinjiang PBS 1602 -75dbm mixed with another station 22 HZ lower carrier the most possible from Somalia
7245 V tajik 1611 with news in Tajik with -70dbm but better usning LSB to avoid QRM form 7255 CRI
9410## 1458sign on with BBC’s gongs IS with talsk in 1459.50 -75dbm but lo audio
9415## TRT? 1453 traditional Turkish music 74/105dbm ID in Spanish off 1458
9600CRI in farsi 1509 with talks in Farsi ecept with ID de mu yui -61/105 with Chnese llang lessons
9645 Vatican R i0915 29/11n Romanian with liturgy laudrtu Jesus Christus -52/110dbm
9670 R292 0919 29/11with rock songs -77/115dbm
9902.5 HFDL like busrsts at 0916 29/11and ‘ondemand’ -95dbm
11745 al azm S arabia , quranic talks , 1007 program end with background chants, song filler
11925 TRT 0923 29/11with only music -54dbm
11935 BSKSA once gain 0922 29/11 with auduo delays and dropouts in its kuran program ! -66/115dbm
12055 CNR17 with kazakh songs on 0926 29/11 quite different to what I knew from Kazakhstan.Seems closer to uighur!
12080 CNR 2 0934 29/11very poor at -96dbm with just talks under the localnoise . better below tha 2 kHz b/w
12210 CNR 0936 29/11 wit talks and -84/120dbm signal
15135 CNI wit indo (-0930z)and malay (0930-)service mostly with music at -90 dbm. Also on 0939 29/11 with -81dbm signal with Chinese songs possibly they will remove the pgoram later! … Nearby on 15110 the DRM form Kuwait is pumping with -70dbm signal
15195 DW in Hausa (?) 150x seem as sports talks with OM and YL talking intensely in the public A signal of 15175-15205 with peak of -52/-125dbm Clear audio at 10kHz Also /15350
15270 CNR 1001 29/11 talks in CC -90dbm
15290 NHK via Eu 0958 29/11with news very good audio , ID , -60/125 dbm
15580 VoAfrica 1520 with hit songs? “Music time in Afica’ program a program in SaSu -62dbm and great trebly audio quality at 2x6 kHZ
15760 Mashal 0910 29/11 with talks Jst -89/130dbm Seem also advets
15805WMR again 15xx with good signal at -75dbm and thick carier with much bass An aabic song Also on 0909 29/11 with -78dbm with afropop song
Μ΅ον 28/11
1377 greek pirate in a uncommon freq with greeek pop and talx ID Efkfrasi -67dbm tes xmision
1368 1648 in a sudden wqith old folks