Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
Some of these logs are posted Extreme SwLing , SDRConsole HF , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them
A simple audio diversity technique to test the sensitivity of two radios
4680 QSO net in Russian -90dbm one of them is quite lazy
4878 ??pirate? hot music 1905 with signal up to -75/105dbm Vey possibly to be Mystery as heard on 1909 which even with 25 dbSNR the noise is quite penetrating Back then to music Change to 4875 on 20z
4965 with signal just-191dbm if any
5010 if any (malagasy or AIR )is quite poor at-92dbm 1611
5135 charleston R 1608 songs of 50s -93dbm /110
5450U 1605 meteos
5500U talks in Russsian 1606
5505U volmet 1603 with meteos -92dbm
5860 Farda? 1642 news talks in Farsi -77dbm/105 1645 musical bridge There is a FSK carier of 100 HZ centered on 5861 with around -102dbm
5910 VoT in Aromanian 1649 This seems to qiote different then typical Romanian . Seems as news mentioning on Periphania (pride in greek )
6100 SWZ TWR with Yao lang as mentioned in eibi an african lang 1712 talx then Afro song with -77dbm
6110 Fana radio stil continuing with the lo freq buzzer -85/10dbm
6210 U QSO in Italian
6280 CNR jammer against SOH 1614 with-74dbm
6311U dicussions in russian 1615 but fast ended -95dbm
6321.5 C SVB idling 1620 with -55dbm
6400 Pyongyang 1624 with operas -82/115dbm
6617CU Murmansk rado 1625 with hectopascal and meteo info -82/115dbm
6650 6642.6 and anoter 3QSO channels with LSB usage with signl anot more than -85 ON 6650 in french Also on 6675 greek Qso Link with just chatter with -75/110dbm
7719 centered Kontayner till 1716 20 with short pauses <1 second -75dbm!! At 1717 on 7914 with again short pauses <200ms and also pn 7969 same power
8036 Am carrier 1722heard talks in russian with signal up to -75dbm but audio bandwidth is less then 2 kHz together
9500 Romania program in Spanish 1953 with talks
9830 CNR 1 1728 with just-95/120dbm in depth of the local noise
12342 1919 QSO net in French -90/120dbm
13264 1920 +22 Shannon? Metto reports -96dbm
13270 1921 westher forecasts Eng OM zzz degeres
198 BBC4 2022 talk in English with news? Several times BBC was heard
1695 Slavic pirate -76dbm 2015 and 1715 -80dbm
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