Σάββατο 3 Οκτωβρίου 2020

2/10 Monitoring



Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise
A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them


A simple audio diversity  technique to test the sensitivity of two radios


11500 CNR 1158 with adverts as in the time -91.5/110dbm

11550 VoIran ? 1159 with persiana pop  song 1207 with RTTY signal with its middle freq in the VOI carrier’s freq

11570 CNR 1209 as jammer mixed with RFA Tibetan  -72dbm

12095.51  FEBA 1233 in Achang as noticed with only -92dbm

15042 centre freq of typical Kontayer OTHR with -105/-130dbm signal

15250 CNR jamming an equally strong VoA signal at 1250 with 25 HZ frequency difference and -85dbm signal Carrier from Korea on 15245 with 5 db less Nice to have  a only -130 dbm noise level (very low BPL )

15430 AWR in Bangla 1300with IDs then with Bangla religious songs  -80dbm

15450 TRT in Englsih at =65dbm at 1300 with return 1304 Off at1320 !!

7420 Xizang PBS was heard well in the PL380 while I was near napping with empatic talks over music !! 1453 with -76dbm with the same program frame

15150 R Tamazuj 1517 with many  IDs  in Arabic plus some ‘adverts’.  Qalamat mentioned several times Man talking with natures sounds -65/130dbm AZlso 15400 with time diferenes of around 10 sec with 15400 ahead

15565 Vatican 1527 Tamil music , namaskar .Unnoticed in the listings.   1530 and then with Amharic as noticed in both eibi and multi -90dbm

15580 VoA now via BOT -65.3 dbm with hit music nikki minage

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