Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
Some of these logs are posted Extreme SwLing , SDRConsole HF , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them
A simple audio diversity technique to test the sensitivity of two radios
4775 poss. R Tarma 22xx with very poor and muffled audio due to a -85dbm signal Talks by OM IN accordance with http://kiwibsb.ddns.net:8074/?f=4775.00amnz10
4870 seems Mystery 21 to be again back I their new freq with songs and -85dbm signal
5840 WMR 2311 with typical Afroribean songs and rich signal at -82dbm noting on 5805 or 5825
5995 2142 talk in Swahili? Then talks by various OMs . Underneath a acapella song Signal -65 Al Irana Sudan , Somali
6020 CRI in Spanish mentioning also Cuba relations and cooperation 2147 with nice signal of -55dbm and also hot pop music 2148 with nice Cuban mambo
6205 Laser hot hits in its genuine signal of -90dbm with some rock music , under high noise and also a kontayner type bursts of ca 2-3 secs 10 KHz only wide
6230 ?? unknown with USB fem voce at2136 with only -110dbm seem as as meteo https://app.box.com/s/ymrhka5ypjy188havw5bd4exl64jdw4v
Possibly wiluna as noticed in eibi
6985 pirate with -85dbm and orck song
7127.5 Kontayner of -90dbm with around 25db SNR Also on 7184 with -100 dbm
7220 RRomania *2257 with program after 2300 in English -82dbm
7225 VoIRI? In Hausa (?) mentioning macron n most -65dbm dan Tehran There is some annoying underneath noise. Mohammad Sueye Sudan . Slow fading with15 db depths “Africa ayoo “ VOA Africa .Program continues and after 2300
7475 R Thailand in English 2033 with news -71/115dbm it seems possibly new freq ca 2x5kHz wide
7508.8 .--. Marker -96dbm at 2037
7541 kontayner burst 2039 at-100 dbm
7550 cland to N Korean 20xx in between konayner and STANAG carriers .. Only 2x1.7kHz are available to listen to them in clear
7570 Vof Korea at-85dbm with typical operas at 2047
7780 WRMI on 2049 seems rather fade in with-92dbm but with erven good mod is not easy to listen IN contrast Yahweh network on 9330 is heard with its 500 KW power at -54dbm and in German propagandizing on Yahweh with its 2x5 kHz wide audio over a -100dbm noise
9525 Denge Welat 2052 with a folk song about Kurdistan and a signal that rocks! (-45dbm but surely must be more! )
11820 the Arabic station today is very poor -91dbm at 2128UTC Some phone ins with ppl praying via the line
11860 and 11930 marti in total parallel as shown im the double screen with -72/-125dbm