2663 Roma Radio
female voice separately spelled words that are not clear as meteo message at 1832
2799 Olympia
radio ? 1822+ talx by female voice but its overloaded . the time mentioned in
eibi is different . The language is Greek -106dbm only over a -116dbm noise
2810 talks
by OM operator in seemingly Turkish -65dbm
4405 Turk radio
Instabul with meteo reports and visibilities in English -64 dbm
4920 Xizang
Pbs Tibetan 1800 with only music 1803 short announcement from YL then again music
and sign off -82dbm with fading levels of 20-25 dbm
4950 harmonic
of a Greek pirate QSOing 1800 -87
5130 Seda-ye
Zindagi from KG ,1753 with music , well
underloaded. Very narrow audio . 17.55.55 program close by YL but carrier
remains with some tones of 1 kHz with good modulation and -80/-115 dbm Three is also a carrier drifting up and down on 5129. Full
sign off 175745
5980 Shiokaze
1623 with talks by YL in Japanese mixed with background msx theniD that was garbled by ‘noise’ and then
with nore news by OM , many mentions of nihon /japan over piano music 1728 ID kochirawa
shiokaze des and small gap for 10 secs then starting with news program in Korean
. There is soμe QRM by CW dots in both sidebands on same frequency
but are not much annoying
7180 VOBMasses
2 with signal S8 -75dbm /-120 but vey poor
mod 1610 vey fast talks by OM
9420 no Greece
a 0640
9727 Kontayner
OTHR -110dbm 0645
9740 Romania
0641 in Arabic Very poor signal -85 dbm with carrier suppression 3.7 kHz wide Also on 9770with -77dbm signal ID huna Bucharest
9790 RFI in
French in //15300 with phone in discussions -75dbm
9860 KBS in
Korean via DE 0721 with phone ins on coronavirus and more -67dbm
9915 BBC via
Ascension 0723 discussion between two women -80dbm
centered Kontayner with -90dbm on 0826
of 15 khz wide
11710 CRI
0827 inside the fence with -85dbm and low qulia
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