Τετάρτη 15 Απριλίου 2020

Logs for 13/4

9655 VoTurkey  with lively (and a bit lovely )songs of the past closing the Georgian program with ID and station info in. 1051 with ID reel in all the transmitting (and non ) languages !-72dbm 
9963 a radio pirate from MW is heard in its harmonic :


21208 An100l qrz  on 1105 -99dbm /130

21273 amateur operator qrx using sdr radio too 1107

15180 RCI in Bulgarian 1125 with -89 dbm signal . ID that time with station info and airing economic themes again talking on corana virus on 1130 Still 1241 re-tune with  traditional  Chinese songs on a -74dbm signal with program in Serbian

15165 CNR 1257 with news -85/-130 21 time on 1300 that seems just having co channel Qrm with new CNR jammer making echoed audio

15770   RAE  1305 with. with a seemingly DX program in Spanish mentioning ‘radio 41’ ON the eibi list RAE is shown  in French that is shown in 1310 with again seemingly DX program mentioning IRRS and the coronavirus program then with the English version about the 2d version of the pandemic program for Argentina. Infro from my mate Arnaldo Slaen  -86dbm and strong local BPL noise. 

7385 Xizang PBS 1349  man singing as like preaching  a pop song on 1351 -86 dbm  /-130 talks by YL in Tibetan and on 14+ with phone in music program 1433 with news.  nearly -72dbm max and good modulation 

7395 CRI in Japanese with pop  songs 1436 with talks In JJ -87dbm Also on 7410
7240 Xizang PBs CC mixed  with another station

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