Κυριακή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Fast bandscan 16-11

Short logs on 16-11-19 and after 1612 Z

A fast scanning with RSP1a ,Console and 2x16m with missing times but all are time sorted
5060 Xinjiang PBS in CC with -80dbm 1612UTC(1612z )
4980 Xinjiang PBS Uighur sce -80dbm same as 5060
4890 VoP (QRY) Korean -90 dbm
4850 Cinjiang PBS KZ -84 dbm talks
4810 the buzzer !!!  new transmitter with -90dbm well heard in //4810 (not adible)
4800 CNR Chin -80dbm with a bad song
4760 off?
4010.2 Kyrgyz with very poor signal 1619 -73dbm carrier
3990 XJPBS -72dbm mixed with another
3950 CNR? -77dbm talks in CC
3935 seems VoP in Korean and -90dbm at 1620z
3097.26 harmonic frm a Greek pirate around 1548
Later :
9455 Firedrake 1919 at -85dbm seems alone in the freq (no other station under)
6090 Amara? 1958 heard a lively music rhythm -80dbm
6110 AWR in Dinka 2000 with ID in English noticing language signal -65
6822 2025 with 5fgs as decoded with a CW program SK 2028*

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