Σάββατο 2 Νοεμβρίου 2019

2/11 logs

11810BBC with news in English , S Africa’s news -60dbm S9+10  1907
15105 ??in seems as Hausa  with religious talks in 1925  with mention is of Jesus and Jambi (?)  S7 / -80/5.7kHz  Sown address such as anbass Doctor Luc 1935  prg IN French NEW QRG
15130 NHK in standard on same time 1930-7 with same levels -65max
15580 VoA 1945witgh news abt Russian resolutions on e war in Syria -80 dbm
5140 on 2124 with S8 + advert from Brillcream (?) fading to near zero … and back in 1 minute on S7 -80 at maximum
6250 VoP quite bassy sounding 1953 mixing again with XSM slot machine . talks between YL and OM   -75dbm max about -85 mean
6617 Rostov meteo ? Numbers etc  in Russian -110dbm at 1955
6910 Mike Radio  dutch pirate IDing as mike radio and offering his web page with music program playing eye of the tiger on 2006 mikeradio @ life. nl station is very clear with 3240khz bandwidth  and -95 dbm at mean   I sent him immediately a report and Mike (the operator ) immediately replies on air on my report . The next report aired was from Chris Smolinsky.This speech has been also recorded , available only per request 
9495 seems as English on a very poor signal -96 dbm only 205x NEW QRG

9520 denge welat and radio Erdogan are now mixed on  2058 Signal in both are relatively low at -85 S7 wit sometimes welat getting a bit stronger 4900x2 kHz wide

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