Writen in 1 core , 5 yr old tablet 4.2.2 Droid with external keyboard and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...
This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!
Unofficial stn logs for 31/3
7265 HLR Hamburg Local Radio has been heard here with signal up to S6 in R75 but below fair in the loop neither marginal . tests with varius SDrs in Italy (UW2NKE ) Magyar shown signals up to S7 but vey clear Signal is with C-USB
6070 DARC with nearly the same levels thogh seomtimes the signal is here good. (S7)
Bth on 1000v UTC!!
Logs used with Aserdolf KSDR in Germany
7700 FRSH 1019 was the reason ofor tesing with the loop out doors but herein SKG signal is marginlal in R75 - just a trace of carrier in ECSS While listening win Asserdolf GE (SWL?043) on 1055 there was a son from Chrip off
6085 S7 /7310 Amigo S5 QSB2 in GE Herd a song sunshine n your lobe (band? )
6070 is // with 7440 S6
6230 pirate ClassFM (?) 10xx wth dicso max Songs heared as analyzed in Shzam dram in dreamer 1033 , the miss yurlove
6270 seems as Charlston clone with pre50s 110xx , 1030 song tago american S5 in 'SWL043
6255 with S5 There was a ID 1015? that soldnt listen or record ...
5840 WMR 10xx song besame mucho S8 in GE - very good !
5780 Zenith on 10xx with S3 not on 1028
6205 LHH ? 1031 with song Honyz neverlet you down S4
6255 ?? S6 on 1032 song seemas let me home
5815 ?? S7 1040 but with fades!
7265 HLR has not any trace of signal !
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