Τρίτη 12 Μαρτίου 2019

Logs of 10.3 using various KSDRs

Vietnam KSDR 
12085 BBC 1032 about women's day fair
12095 BBC also on 1120 Z Good
12100 RTwI 1131 with song mix with some QRM form 12095 Prg in Eng Notice that this signal is not heard in THS
11865  Rohinga program 1131 by RBAustralia only 5 minutes Rohinga program(seens inbetween Hindi and Bamar) All remain time was only English anouncements S20

Boa Vista KSDR 1135+Z 
11780 RN Amazonia in PP Man with news Good S 10
11760 RHC S20 talk in Sp with backgrd music S20

Jak SDR (Notimes ) now with 30 min max duration  for every freq
Very many operators across most utility  bands many of them strong . here  in GR is very rare 
11665 Wai Fm S9+7 db 1210+ with QRM from CHN 11660 S10-20
11640CRi viet mixed with RTI CC S10
11915 RTW Int 1228 with prg in Indo S20
12190 SoHope with S20! signal
12230 CNR images have been found 12263.5 12278.4 1232.3 12207
12170 SoH? 1250 with nice S9 signal om  with soft music
9100 VoP >>KO 1253 mixed Eng and Korean talks Sx
9275 AWR in CC EE lang mix theme on Bible Good
9315 VoT in Tibetan
9440 CRi in Khmer good
9837.8 VoViet 1300 while waiting for the start of the Indo program S20
10160 SoH YL in talks Also  //11000/ 11400/11440//11500/7735/7650

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