Κυριακή 31 Μαρτίου 2019

Some station logs for 31/3

Writen in 1  core , 5 yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...

This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!

Unofficial stn  logs for 31/3
7265 HLR Hamburg Local Radio has been heard here with signal up to S6 in R75 but below fair in the loop neither marginal . tests with varius SDrs in Italy (UW2NKE ) Magyar shown signals up to S7 but vey clear Signal is with C-USB
6070 DARC with nearly the same levels thogh seomtimes the signal is here good. (S7)
Bth on 1000v UTC!!

Logs used with Aserdolf KSDR in Germany
7700 FRSH 1019 was the reason ofor tesing with the loop  out doors but herein SKG signal is marginlal in R75 - just a trace of carrier in ECSS While listening win Asserdolf GE (SWL?043) on 1055 there was a son from Chrip off
6085 S7 /7310 Amigo S5 QSB2 in GE Herd a song sunshine n your lobe (band? )
6070 is // with 7440 S6
6230 pirate ClassFM (?) 10xx wth  dicso max  Songs heared as analyzed in Shzam dram in dreamer 1033 , the miss yurlove
6270 seems as Charlston clone with pre50s 110xx , 1030 song tago american S5 in 'SWL043
6255 with S5 There was a  ID 1015? that soldnt listen or record ...
5840 WMR 10xx song besame mucho S8 in GE - very good !
5780 Zenith on 10xx with S3 not on 1028
6205 LHH ? 1031 with song Honyz neverlet you down S4
6255 ?? S6 on 1032 song seemas let me home
5815 ?? S7 1040 but with fades!
7265 HLR has not any trace of signal !

Local Logs for Friday 29 plus (long text )

Writen in 1  core , 5 yr tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed in the witer after 200 words...
This tablet s used up to 10 hrs per day!

Using mini mag loop antenna plus degen 1103 directly conected to the faraday loop (shileded RG cablewith inverse wire  connections) and Tecsun 380 with wounded wire over the main loop (keeps the local noise )

7215 CRI 1219 in russian fair
6070 DARC 1228 old song seeems TOm Jones  About 37/05 on 380
9910 TWR 1237 hiundi lang tallks  though  music is not hindi style adress in INndia however  1240 fair
9925 ?? marginal
15800 CNR 1245  YL with news in CC but metioning 'telefon' , and talks in public
12095 FEBC 1255 talk in balck thaias noted in eibi 1259 with a thai song  then FEBC noted and a tel number NUll on 210degs azimuth
12120 1301  YL singing 1305 a chorus from XL hten talsk in Chin Daai seems as Tibetan  47/  11 far
11620 1312 Chinese muisc 1419 with tansmitter problems
15130 IRIB 1314 in Arabic with nasyid song 'para quran' fair
11685 TRT? 1321 in turmen ??with talks  Good
13830 1324 taslk  in tibetan , ads? good
11910 VOA Enlsih 1328 CC type song then with american  thentalsk in Eng  VOa notice later 1401 back  with tibetan prorg fair
11900 CRi Eng seemed  in //11910 but was diferent tough fem voices were  quite similar !!
11956 CRI 1336 in Indo with talks about Asian economy Also on 1404 Fair
11945 AWR 1358 (...)
12055 Asad Radio (RLibery, ID 1400metioning social media adn clear ID as Azatlik Radio Su Good //12045 @1426
12140 1407 Deewa taslk aabt Afghanistan , poor
12130 RFA  1409 talsk n Bamar and reportts Good
12035 unINed 1410 turkih songs 14-16 Good  recheck on 1427 but gone off .No info aywhere
12045 AWR  1427 in Urdu mantoning Pakistan email: urdu@awr.org good
12015 VoK 1429 with opera  , withl ively rythm Prg in Frech mixed with the knwon inherent  buzer... FAir
9965 Furusato no kaze  1537 lang seems Jap . Man talks FAir
9950 TWR 1440 in hindi with song Good signal . assam TWR dress mentioned also karegram and India (Gud signal )
9940 Liangyou in UIghur vey poor 38/0 on PL380 heard nce aginon 1450 with turkic song
9900 IRIB 1452 in hindi , best  below 4KHZ . R tehran
9890 CNR 13 good  //9420 (poorer)  with nice accordeon music . may mentions on america > I m really wondering what they say !!
15825 WWCR 1506 mixed with stange transmission
15805 no nothing  from WMR
9920 1510  tallks n Rusian Poor
9750  NHK 1512 tallllks in Jap Good
9380 AIR 1516 IS with news in ?? POor
9275 FEBC 1520 talks in CC fair
7530 1573 in KOrean fair

And some logs here from he Jak KSDR the same night :
7530 HCJB Australia (?) 2334 with temporary program with songs and IS and relig talks instead of Hmong program? Just S2
9215 ?? CNR 1 2138 with talks S9 adn ID
9415 VoV ? talsk in VV on 2340 S2
9840 VoV seems back here with English prgoram S20
11955 Also  viet program 2354 S10
12055 also n Viet S9 2351  with song
11460 SoH or CNR with S7 2353 //11580
MW 1331 Yogyakarta transmits with bad audio and buzer

Σάββατο 30 Μαρτίου 2019

Stations from Africa on 30.3.19

...As tested in the TWR KIwi SdR another ZR6IC in  S Africa and my QTH

9635 RTMali heard after a user tested on ZR6's SDR . Signal around S7 (-94db) tested then in TWR's with S9 butin my city with S20
Program: hilife songs and talks in local lang
Also on 5995 on 190x but mixed with another station in my QTH in TWR's site poor  same time.

3320 R S G 1816 with operas for the whole house and talks in dutch/ africaans  Abt 40% muisc -60 talks included  Bizet's Carmen .   1900 with news  1912 'teardrops' (non IDed in shazam ) 1922 classical music (reminds Vivaldi ?)
NO signal in my QTH Thesaloniki - S7 on ZR6 , S20 in TWR KIwi and  fades in between -50  to -36db (????)
Suposedly it will sound off from tomorrow .
Anyoone wanting to listen more. No shoutcast streams

3250 BBC SA 1833 with signal S30 on TWR's Kiwi . Signal between -60 and -40 db  with fading , Just s7 on ZR6's but not in my QTH . Talks and dicussions  1915 abt deaths in Africa  and mozambique
Will poisibly sound off tomorow?

Κυριακή 24 Μαρτίου 2019

CrossLogs between various KiwiSDRs and my shack 23+24.3

1566 2353 indian music station orom NL heared in my shack with S1  while checed in italy and England with better signals
1431 2328 Sawa is now clear with S5 ALso clear in two italian SDRs
9650 2343 GUinea? with hilife song then talks by man in french and sudden signoff in my shack S7  . Checked on 2341 in I1FQH KSDR where there was strong QRM from DRM  in my shack there was no DRM QRM ...
1730 grreek pirate wth S5 has been also heard in SDR in ...Eire with S3-4 on 0056!!! (3 am in thesalonik )

6880 & 6950 two pirates using USB mode S3 only Loged in italian SDR
6205 Laser Hot Hits UK 0016 in the italian SDr with S5. Man calling handinguy inmy shack with S1 under the localnoise
6230 0016 pirate with oldies 80s ID as HotFM ??
5840 0019 WMR? hot music S5
3320 Pyong yang? 0024opera style totaly dierent from the well known Korean styles!

Τρίτη 19 Μαρτίου 2019

DX shack logs 18-3 -19

So more logs in very last time win my shack
ICOM R75 plus 2x16 inv V antena
7780 WRMI  2203 relaying Supreme master (in contrst to what Eibi advises )  S9 //9395  S3 with program in Vietnamese , After  2010 a discussion  on atro bodes
2249 Supreme MAaster's associate TV stations in USA 2300 after WRMI's ID abrupt start of a religious program with somone shouting very crazily (holly roller? ) adn another ..laughing !

1431  fun log - 2206 a FSK type signal that "QRMs"  an intalian station Around S7
7495 unIDed 2221 in language that seems VIetnamese with talks and recordings .  SINPO 152x1 just S2
9405 Liangyou 3 FEBC in CC with IS on 2227 and opnly S3 signal  . String QRM from 9410 CRI Port  S20  causing strng splatter in both bands
9535 RHC 2232  talks in Spanish S?
9805 KBC in Indo 2246 Signal just S2 (IN Jakarta with S20 )
6230 pirate 2308 with old pop just S1
9730 SoH p 2328 with Chinese song then talks by OM  adn ID S1 only
9720 CRi 2332 pop song S2
9350 WWCR 2317 with ID then a song S9
9900 CNR herd with echo .It 's possiblethat there are two sations in exactly the same freq in syncho or a station in that echo is enabled.because there are not fluctuations or double carrier while in SSB  S9
1560 2347 short opening from a Latin american station wih  spanish talks for aorund 4sec then fading out  then signal was quitl lower with some short fasde ins and fade outs witout being to the S1 level There is a video in my Youtube account page https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PR3HRaJAh3M
Please post your coments there 

Δευτέρα 18 Μαρτίου 2019

Logs using Shenyang Sdr on 18-3

Sound of Hope reception :
11500  /11410 @S20 /11460 Seems CNR instead of SOH though are parallel 0925
11150  S10 /11120 S10 /11870 S10 /10160 \S20
14640 S10 /14850 S10 /14900  S10 /14430 S30 /13710 S10
13070 S30 /13130 S10 /11965 /11970 S10 /12045 s10
9180 10 /9155 10
 Others :
4885 VoPeople with news 1010 signal \s30
6250 (40)& 6350 (30) in parallel EoHope towards NKorea 1012
6520 S20 / 6600 S40in parallel 1015

819 N Korea ,operas 0958 S10 mixed with CNR heard only after 1000
558 S Korea? a song in Korean S20 1000
594 Japan  1202 with news S10
972 Korea ? 1204 a song heard as Korean
1566 HLAZ? 1205 talks Korean S10
1341 CNR 1206 talk by OM and YL
1088 CNR local signal S40  1007
926 CNR local S30 1008
 792 CNR local S30 talks 1009

Witten in parallel with  reception adn between thousands of tel calls 
Logs below made in tablet after the logs  from this site adn from BUcharest

Shenyang KSDR  site is noisy with strong  amlification
9865 Vid Bharati 1558 with religius songs that pass after 1600 S20 - fair
9710 CNR1 [fair S20]  //4800 [poor] with pop song
9820 CNR2 with S10 [poor] wih song
9595 Farda ?? 1615 talk in Farsi S10 poor

Bucharest  KSDRone of the best KSDrs with very low noise and very good signals
6100 Looking for R Afghanistan , korean station is QRMing them.
9175 SoHope 1612 talks by YL adn ID Shewang zhe sheng S9
9355 & 9365 Deewa S20/S30 ID on 1618
9490 RLibery Uzbek ID S10
4800 CNR1 with song S10!! 1625

Τρίτη 12 Μαρτίου 2019

Outdoor logs in Lent Monday 11.3

(fast writen just to be posted )

Part 1
in the Kouri mountain while walking with my wife  and watching otehrs playing kites for the lent monday 11.3 , while me checking Slavic !!stations on Fm . Borders are around 100 km far from that place
Place is extemely clear from QRN  in Shortwaves but there is some QRM form unknown sources
KIte rising is one of the many greek customs of the day . Most people families or just  frinds prefer  to get out and do piknick an some of them also do barbeque    .The place was simply higly  congested by  crowd and cars..
You can also see several pictues in my instagram page or simply by looking my Facebook wall /Twitter  where all  my insta-posts are shared.

90.5  RM #2nd   good    (Makedonskoto radio )
93.3* RM  #1  goooood
93.6* Time FM Gevgelia  (in GR borders)
95.3 RM #3
98.5 Bulgaria (fair)
99.2 Bulgaria  (fair  )
99.7 RM #3
102.3* Horizon BU / Blagoevgrad
106 unsure for Bulgaria Just a check for several seconds
108  two greek pirates  in the same freq Pegasus with greek golk oldies other with west dance music
and the only of SW
21670 SABC Indo with poor signal
All marked with * are heard also in our house

2. 5 meter random wire and PL380 and SW outdoor the house and test with 6 kHz passband 
unchecked from eibi 
9440 Arabic 60/25 talks 1219 poor amplitude
9420 CNR13 uyghur talk 1220 russia American and a airplane
9470 CNr 1220 talks in CC
9495 farda ? 1220 talks  in Farsi  32/xx
9520 CNR? 1220 task in CC metioning PRC etc 61/15
9540 CNR 1222 talks in CC 45/10
9590 CRI in RU 1223 referring to Christianity fair
9630 CNR UI 1225 a child talking english words very slowly ID 1230
9705 CNR KZ 1231 with backgrould music the sign off 37/15
9750 KUwait 1233 ID mixed with poor NHK signal 71/55
9775 CNR2 1234 discussions 44/15
11865 1241 hindi song , religious?  55/15
11860 Yemen 1243 arabic song of 60s 50/10
11680 VoK 1243 opera song poor
15825 WWCR 1247 music , talk in Eng 55/10

Logs of 10.3 using various KSDRs

Vietnam KSDR 
12085 BBC 1032 about women's day fair
12095 BBC also on 1120 Z Good
12100 RTwI 1131 with song mix with some QRM form 12095 Prg in Eng Notice that this signal is not heard in THS
11865  Rohinga program 1131 by RBAustralia only 5 minutes Rohinga program(seens inbetween Hindi and Bamar) All remain time was only English anouncements S20

Boa Vista KSDR 1135+Z 
11780 RN Amazonia in PP Man with news Good S 10
11760 RHC S20 talk in Sp with backgrd music S20

Jak SDR (Notimes ) now with 30 min max duration  for every freq
Very many operators across most utility  bands many of them strong . here  in GR is very rare 
11665 Wai Fm S9+7 db 1210+ with QRM from CHN 11660 S10-20
11640CRi viet mixed with RTI CC S10
11915 RTW Int 1228 with prg in Indo S20
12190 SoHope with S20! signal
12230 CNR images have been found 12263.5 12278.4 1232.3 12207
12170 SoH? 1250 with nice S9 signal om  with soft music
9100 VoP >>KO 1253 mixed Eng and Korean talks Sx
9275 AWR in CC EE lang mix theme on Bible Good
9315 VoT in Tibetan
9440 CRi in Khmer good
9837.8 VoViet 1300 while waiting for the start of the Indo program S20
10160 SoH YL in talks Also  //11000/ 11400/11440//11500/7735/7650

Κυριακή 10 Μαρτίου 2019

Local fast bansdcan for 9.3

Short timed band  obsservations as usual Using R75 with 2x16 m inv V : 

7240 1221 VOTurkey  S20 in Bulgarian
7345  CRI 1223 with pop songs S3  ???
7440 '292' 1224 disco song S3  ??????
7470 CNR Hammer 1225 CC talks S2
7570 FSK TTY 1226 S2
5745 CNR 1229 Yun wei jiemo , some adverts including Xiaomi  '2130' and ID as CNR1
15805 Heard a vey faint signal while tracing with SSB on 1232 Unsure if this is WMR
15760 Mashaal 1233 ID and news S7
15440 RRomInt 1234 romanian folk song S4

7370 CNR ? 1310 CC talks S5
7470 CNR ? 1312 CC talks S5
11530 Denge welat Kurdish It has strong QSB and poor signal S8  1313
11560 AIR Urdu 1318 with news mentioning Pakistan S9
11600 KBC 1321 latin rythim OM tmenitoning KBC then an old country rock JUst S4
11610 CRi in bangla 1323 talks S5
9884 only  carrier on 1325 ! S5
9910 TWR closing down with adress & Headlines Good News Hour 1326 then religious end song Program in Nepali S5P2
9975 TWR 1328 in CC with talks by man
7240 CNR KZ 1337 talks S5
7385 XZ PBS Tibet1338 talks S3
7325 CNR? 1354 nice CC song Sx
6180 CNR 17 KZ 1412 news S7
6170 CNR 1414 talks S7
6145 ?? 1415  taslks in CC Sup QInghai?
6120 Xinjiang [XJPBS] 1416 wih news mentioning srilanka S5
6100 CRI eng 1415  abt Ukraine S2
6075 CNR 2 1418 signal S9
6060 S2 in ...YI?? seems close to  TB than CC 1420 S4 [supposedly Sichuan 2]
6015 End of World 1421 S20 not mentioned in eibi
9275 FEBC in English S1-2

A very  fast MW bandscan  on 1330-36all pirates unless noticed
531 Jil FM (3)1338 (4) 1323(2) 1350 (5)1404 ERA (3) 1413 Ukr (2) 1431 Uni from THS  (20) 1449  (1) 1494 RU(1) 1523 (20) 1539 (3) 1548 (5)1566 (9) 1584(9)1655 (6)

Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2019

logs for 8.3 womens day

KSDR: Magyar SDR banscan,
one of the many SDRs that offer much lower local noise than mine
4750 Bangla R 1625 OM talking then a Afghan sounding song in slow  -82db S7
4765 Tajik R slow song 1626 quranic sounding talks in Tajik S10 -67db
4810 AIR mumbai 1626 instead of listening to Armenia S7
4820 Xinjiang PBS (XJ) CC talks 1627 S9  -70db
4835 Gantok ? HIndi song 1628 S5  -85db
4850 XJ KZ a Chinese song 1630 time clock then double ID then news in KZ S9 -75db
4885 VoHope >NKo 1631 S7 -80db with talks
4895 AIR undermod add S7 signal -73db HIndi song
4905 Xizang S9 /4920 also S9 though the propagation curves are diferent!
4950 poss Angola? ith talks 1635 S7 with poor adio ** No signal in S Africa !
4975 carrier or FSK S9 1636
4980 XJ PBS talks 1636 S9
5040  AIR S5 max  only 1626 -88 db
9865 Vid Bharti  songs 1637 S9-93
9875 CRI Eng abt Chinese literature by C Cwomen  1643 S10 -75
9380 AIR 1644 bolly songs S7 -80dv
9420 PBS 13 UI  1645  (flaged name ) S10 -66 db
9435 CRI Eng about CCwomen 1647 S10 -66
9490 RL in Uzbek Azatliq Radio Si 1648 S7 -83
1566 greek pirate!  S10 1649
Also found pirates on GR1634 ,GR 1643,GR 1630 , 1669 1657 slavic and one ..russian !

In TWR Afica Sdr:  5010 RTMalagasy with ony S7 signal -71 db max with occasional overloads and nice mixed  song program 1820+ Soem slow maximums from -88 to -60db Off at 1919

Πέμπτη 7 Μαρτίου 2019

Various KSDR logs on late night of 5.3

Using the Seoul KSDR logs:
5845 BBC 2230 taslk S9 22125
6230 SoHope 2241 S3 YL talsking
11865 AWRn in INdo ISID 2230 S5

From BUcharest KSDR logs by random time
1611 pirate S9 2302 My radio PL380 being aheadby 5 secs fom the SDR
1617 greek pirate S7
1640 2350 radio vasilias  Lampros s6
1661 2311 herd korean talks Rec alsoavailable i someoneneeds it
5140 Charleston 2331 italian song of 40s S10!
5085 WWRW (noticed inthe Sdr label )2330 songs S7
6230 pirate S7 rock songs 2339
9664.6 Voa miziosnaria 2320 again with hte rquet for reports in Eng
1700 S9 rave music 2312 thenwith a old greek folk
1730 jazz msusic 2314 S9
1746 two Ru operators in QSo , one drfifting down
4765 Tajik radio with S10 signal and YL talking wit music background
5500 UK Mettteo 2335 with S9

Τετάρτη 6 Μαρτίου 2019

Schack & KSDR reception son 5/3

Using the Briata kiwi SDr in Italy
7440 292? rock songs 0946 S20
7469 USB station with numbeers lilke in polish(?) "yorka rake" etc S10
7365 V of andes? 1030 with children song  S9
9550 SABC with poor signal , talks  1032
9650 Guinea 1034 with drums poor S5
9880 CNR 1035 and adds S7

From my schack :
15375 CNR 1203 CC talks by child S4
15460  BBC 1204  news S5
12095 FEBC 1206 in Hmong S1 only 252x3
MOldova 873 with  good signal in Thessaloniki has been tested also via KSDR n Keiv (fair with destroyful QRN)  and fair signal in Moskow with fading signals on 17xx

Shack! logs on 4-3-19

Shack!  logs on 4-3-19
Typical R75+16Vinv system

9664.6v R Voz MIssionaria? is askingfor reports I have heard a ernglish gospel program with soul and relative musics styles on 2300 on 4-3 which ended on 2334 and a IS reel on 2320 with an ID noticed as AVM radio
this recorging was 6.3.19 on 2320 from Hungarian Kiwi  with much lower noise!

5995  2227 drums with singers S9 Mali back ??
6175 CRi 2230 in PP partonada brazil & China S9
6230 pirate 2231 old rocks S3 @2255 two pirates stations
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 2230 nesws and opera S5
6520 VoPeople 2232 taslk y YL and strog  QRM //6600 with stronger signal than QRM S7
11760 RHC 2239 the only in the band !
9100 EoHope >NK  2257 an English song 2258 talsk y KOrean that seem as program schedule S9  FDM 9097
9395 WRMI 2304  about cognition S3
9415 2306 in Viet with news S2  >>CRI
9630.58 Brazilian song Abt S2 2307
4765 TAjik RAdio S9 YK with talks  2340
4980 Xinjiang mixedf with WRMI Supreme Signals ard S5 but XJ wins the signal batle 2341
5010 WRMI 2342wth signal up to S2 but unclear due to local QRN
5025 Rebelde Cuba withsongs S5
5040 RHCuba  2344 talsk on work and marti (?) S5
5050 Beibu ? talks in CC S2
5060 XJPBS in  CC  2345  S5
5140 Charleston 2346 with song of 40's!!Sx

Παρασκευή 1 Μαρτίου 2019

MOnitoring logs for 28.2+30.1 via Various KSDRS

The time while  waating for a ...outdoor date adn waiting to monitor Yunan 6035 on ToH

Listening from  remote SDRS or adio spots was my hottest  dream sice early 90s. I Now feel justified.

Via Tokyo  post:
6085 1429 Shiokaze S7 web adrss rsk.hi ? freqs
6170 1424 VoK  operas S7
7220 1440 hindi songs with YL S7
7225 1442 poss PBS Szechuan Y L shouting . strong qrm  7220/7230
7255 1446 Xizang in TB phon ein S3
7300 1449 CRI marianges in China S5
7322 1524 nice song KNLS ID @26 referinf to Christus S3
7330 1529 taslk in seeming De JUst S1
7345 1535 koran S7 YL talks BBC news
7550 1539 TWR  signal off ID with Eng
1511/1520 /1540 CNR
4900 1543 V strait nice song S3 only
4940 1552 V strait nice song but diferent to 4900 S6
5050 1553 Beibu nice song S5

Some other spots 
6035 [HK]1455-1501 YUnan PBS talks in CC . QRM DRM and CRi on 6040 that signeed off 1500
6135[VTN]1508  CRI Eng abt houses S10
6145 [VTN] 1545 CNR mixed S10
6190 [VTN] 1510 CRI viet abt Viet . Palestine adn more S30
3325 [via N  NZspot 1.3]  0855 NBC Port MOresby  ID on 0859 and then as NBC The ogher NBC useds only Tok Pisin as shown in the eibi  listing