Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Band and freq scan logs of 27/11/15

....while i read a historical fiction  book
9845  CNR 1 1250 adverts  S2
9940 CNR 1 double jammer against RFA  on 1252 signal S9
9940 Fart 1254 song and station jingles S9
7545 double CNR jammer against  on 1308 of S5
7515  1509 in Korean , talks by YL  S3 only , mentions of Xinjang  Korea
7200 XJPBS ? 1310  Turkic lang  S6
7495  Deewa 1315 mention a Pakistan action  plan , delta and Afghanistan S9
6990  RU Mezinarodne Radio (?)1320 with lively Russian  song  then with taloks , Nes on 1335 weather in 1357 and ID on 400 and continued past 1400 + I can suppse which is the station but  dont rememeber the station  name
There is also a  recording here :
6260  BVB 1403  with  program in Eglish . Low modulation S5 .  Lost  the times when  a station with hindi program was there !
7560 BBC  S7 1418 & 7600 S10 and better audio , with talks in HIndi or Urdu . ISD as "doiham padel BBC" 
7590 ..... 1433 with korean talks  that passed 1500  without  ID There is QRM  by digital stream
7450 CNR 1509  with adverts in CC mix of talks and  short music clips . Marginal
9505 BBC WS 1519 with ID  and tech news S7
6995 a 'lenghty' buzzer toner of ca 1 sec on 1604.  similar to  the possibly well known buzzer toner in the region of 4620-50 kHz the older times (4-7 years ago ? )
7520 AIR ?? 1611 with old Bolly songs <S4 Talks  in hindi possibly news At 1622  KBS?  starting    with carrier  of S5-7that turedn into program on 1630 in korean. 
7580 CNR 1 jammer 1634 //4800 with nice soft music and talks agaisnt VoA .  Jammer left on 1700 leaving VoA   free  who signed off after 1 minute
6120  BBC 1706  in pushtu with disscussions  between man and child with mentions of Banjara  Wala .seems as a  a theatre play "zembeki wa omuzesh "  possibly a  program ? S10
6120 XJBPS 1728 //4980 with music program and short YL announcements  in between S7
6050 Xizang PBS 1745 with talks in CC with melodic music  1800 off

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