9820 AIR? 1422 with Bollywood songs of 60s 70s mixed with CNR signal S8
9810 Deewa BBC 1427 program in Farsi bt continuous talks mention of Afghanistan 1503 with strong QSB and PUshtu (?) mentioning Parlianment Hollande Putin , strong QSB
7615 V of .... 1432 with persuasive talks in Korean by male speaker S7
15770 B stair 1435 this man is mentioning a story S4
15720 -90 AWR in Hindi 1444 ID 1445 over background music S2 and strong QSB
15480.05 1447 seems religious program by Chinese female mentioning "jiaodingke shandi "
9840 VoVietnam program in Malay on 1452 , a sudden sign off at 1456 then back after less than 1 minute . IS on 1359 with program of English S2 max
9745 C+ U Bahrain 1505 signal to max S4 but most times on S1 and less
13264 U Shannon Volmet with weather reports S1
13845 ....1522 "...vision dot com " , hawaiian supper , with adverts then fem speaker with phone ins S5 max
9840 WHRI 1900 mixed today with KBS which today is quite low power , for a total signal of S4
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