Δευτέρα 14 Απριλίου 2014

Special logs : Akhbar Muhrifa , Feba via TWR and 1566 !

Special logs
7300  Akhbar Muhrifa has again be  heard on 10/4 with s/on on 2059 and also verified by  my TRaxx intruder list on my radio page on site/google
The  log has been already corrected in my logs page
Audio has been  uploaded there :
V of Andes is registeed int his freq per Wolfie
7300  FEBA *1704 with 4 iterations of IS of TWR  then  program in a African language [Eibi  shows TWR in Yao   signed off 1734   S8 with the  16 H
Audio http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/31961795 
 as far as i can understand  it says  "ayits ye feba radio ...." after  the IS

Interesting  freq : 1566
ON 8-4  two stations have been  heard int his freq on 1934 :  a geek pirate from S Greece (Peloponisos )  and a program in Russian – possibly HLAZ?  After 2000 the signal  was  quite low and QRMEd  from the Greek pirate
ON 10-4 two other  stations have been  heard on 2200 : French talks pre TWR from and a music station with Italian talks in between !

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