Τετάρτη 2 Απριλίου 2014

New logs of 1-4-14 special for Akbar Mufriha

special  31-1 and 1-4 

7300  Akhbar Mufriha when  listening to CRI  before sign off  on 7205 on 2100  I found on 7300  with a station in presumed Tamazight (on 31-3 ). With more careful listening on 1-4 I have heard on 2059   starting in Arabic and IDing as Akbar Mufriha  and mentioning  about Amazir language  . Program  till 2101 in  Tamazight  then in Arabic till 2134-6  then into Tamazight-like language  with harsher  spelling (possibly Tachelhit) with seemingly  religious content  S20 

other logs 

17610  R Faranga (IDed this way)In lang seeming  Hausa on 1659  with signal S9  (heard  this ID two times)
15180 Hilaac 1713 man with fast talks several IDs mentioning ‘demokracia’ , over some music background  Somaliland  S20
17540 supp Mara 1720  man in talks A lengthy phone in by OM with many mentions of Rwanda
15245  Eri forum?  1739 with HoA song , talks by man in Amharic  or Tigre Signal S20+ mentioning a president . Program gazetta  by Ahmad Nasser  Some QRM  from digital signal when  this station faded to S10
13430  Chinese CNR 1  jammer against SO Hope on 1749 //4800  
13580  Bangladesh Betar 1754 with international  news. About Ukraine  excellent English  by the speaker so that I could think at this was VoA !   (by band scanning ) QRM  sounded as ‘hratchy’ S10
13570  NF?  Towards Europe CRI in English with lessons of Chinese . sudden s/off 1757 Signal S10
9820  R Australia 1805  with world news ID 1805  S9  //9475

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