Sat 4/1/14
7265 HLR
132 with talks in German signal S3 mixed with a Hindi lang program Air or possb CRI
7600 BBC 1614
with prg in Tamil then s off S1
17830 1617
with HoA song co ch QRM with carrier . then carrier changed into noise !! S4
7515 V
martyrs? 1643 with just marginal signal
9270 R tango ????? 1647 with old tango songs S2
9745 at 1653 with Arab songs and USB only
is now back ??? Mixed with a carrier of S20 tyat gradually lowered to S7 on 1720
Sun 2113 good in USB with S5 and continuous
jazz music for at least 15 mins
15310 Inyabutatu
1700 with hilife songs at 1704 with like talks by OM signal just S1
11720 Asena 1704 S30 ! and talks by man
17790 WRMI
1707 with marginal signal
Sun 5/1/14
11665 supp Wai FM ? 1325 with very marginal signal and pop song
9465 poss FEBC 1333 in CC Signal S5 in 16 H
6095 KBC or Transport R 1338 with pop songs S5 max
6240 CNR jammer (?) 1340 with classical music
S7 max talks by man tested to be in // with other CNR freqs
9585 VoiRI 1352 with talks in JJ Typical trad Persian songs S3 max with low mod
1185 serbia? 1356 with fokl songs signal is S7 but quit steady P=4 NO ID at ToH !
9775 RF Chosun 1415+ with discussions btw OM and YL possibly a theater play 1422 with a possible ID "radio Kpon Kmo" S7
11505 Bangladesh Betar 1426 with playback problems songs of 50s or 60s ID etc in Urdu (= noticing Pakistan )and addresses S7
7590 N F ref Radio 1432 lengthy discussions btw two men
MOn 6/1/14
9870 Vivid Bharati 1252 with old hindi songs S4 On 1300 mixed with CRI in English
Ictimai per Eibi 1315 again head with garbled audio and signal S6 .
cuoldnt even understand that there was a song (seemed as Turkic )
9380 N Korea REF radio 1321 OM talking in Korean
S9 Very lengthy talks
4319 AFN 1825 with pop songs S1
9525 RRI German program 1851 woman announcing the next song called 'selamat jalan kekasih' from Rita Effendy S9
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