Spacial EMR
Friday 17th
: 7290 for radio City 1931 with signal
S7 , strong QRM from CRi on 7295 of s20
. 1368 QRMed by Ellines Radio a local pirate
Sat 18 :
7265 with QRM from a FSK signal on lower
side Best reception on 7266 with narrow band filter
9835 RTM Sarawak
now bak 1935 with songs kau pergi jua At
2105 with signal <S2
6155 BLR? 1950 Y:with talks in English but under modulated
then a song 32242 using Narrow band filter
6300 pirate
2008 with sinal S3-4
Klasik Malaysia 2011 with a song from Saleem S3-5 22342
9770 AWWR Dvula with signal S10 .Mentions of Daniel
7470 ORNK 2021 talks by OM and YL ON 2024 a mysterious song
Seems under modulated signal S2
7220 VoV 2030 with prg in Eng and with ID S4 poor
9515 Dardarsha
2033 OM speaking , seems religious saluting as walaikum then YL into talks ID Dardarsha Most of the program after 2040
is addresses of the station web address etc SMS
sudden off 2045
9840 WHRI 2049
QRMing Vo Korea in Arabic with a signal of S5 max Program of To Ministry.
IS Signal of VoK after WHRIS sign off
till 2102
9500 R Australia
2117 mentioning R Geographic wit a discussion
S3 max
9550 VoV
2123 with song , strong Chinese intonation
9565 AWR
per EIbi 2139 with trad song YL with
slow talks Signal max S7
9530 HCJB ?
in Pulaar with talks by YL then a song
based in a traditional stringed instrument
At 22 with info in French Arabic and local with address in France
9595 Nikkei
2206 tals in Japanese S5 max
Aparecida 2203 with talk in PP then a song then ID ‘parecida ‘ then back to talks on 2216 S5 max
supposedly this must be ELWA on 2210-15 Low modulation
Sat 18th
9635 Mali
0810 has been fond with only carrier (nearly
no modulation )S3 only
6095 KBC
0902 with pop song S5 ,ax
Dniprovska Biyla 0903 news in seems Russian (mentions of BLR . UKR ) with short
music breaks in between Marginal mixed
with another very poor carrier
9480 for EMR
, freq is empty
951o for
radio city the sigal is S20
21670 BSKSA
now R Saudi International 0957with talks in Indo , S3 only ID this
way then a Indonesian song
13630 CVC Hindi
1014 with YL: talking in Hindi , a po song surely named Janee Qu (this is not
the typical Bollywood style !! ) then an
advert for a moblile phone Here you will
find a recording
9955 B
Stair 1647 with a preast asking
questions on the top of a public and
talking very fanatically S7
4765 Tajikistan 2303 with tajik songs S9
9705 AIR
2306 with prg in Enlgish ID on 2310 by
YL There is a buzz heard in obth
sidebands that fluctuates depending on modulation
6300 pirate
on 2313 with old pops Also another
pirate on 6285 with a version of besame mucho then a german song S3
Pyongyang Pangsong 2315 Koran operas S5 QSB 2
Xinjian PBS 2324 YL with weather repors S9 //3990 S10 but heard better
CNR still with good signal on 2325 at S9
5955 R
Australia 2327 in Bamar with ID several times S5
9745 Kuanghua good on 2330 with signal S5
9720 R Veritas 2337 wit a pop song . There is a Chinese
intonation as the lang mentioned in Eibi
is ‘BR’ (not Bamar I think )
9645 R Veritas 2347 in KC (Kachin?) with signal abt
S3 with two very nice voices from a girl and a young man Also IDed
Mongolia 2356 O and YL in talks . poor
audio though sinal is S7. Her is a sample
Sun 19th
9420 ERA 0003
with political talks and comments about ERT
9265 WINB
0006 with a nice song and talks about a broadcaster S3
9370 WWRB
0010 man in relig talks S1
9495 un
IDed 0014 heard a guitar play , talks in
Eng then back to music S5
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