Logs for
Sun 30 Sept with bands can
Traxxxxx 1402 with news (Malaysia etc )with
background music S6 but SINPO
35132 (required special attention to understand )
15570 YFR
in Oromo 1455 with talks that seem very
close to Hindi , though Oromo was sometimes heard , and Eibi shows same S10 sudden s off 1455
12055 TWR
with prog in a Hindi lang with mail
address in Gujarat S off 1515
11877.9v un
IDed station with signal just S1 and a skipping carrier . Turkic music at 1528
+ stopped at 1530
11885 PBC
Xinjiang 1531 with talks b OM in UI 1552 with adverts then phone ins S9
11860 IRIB
1557 with folk music if Turkic region possibly from Uzbekistan. After the clock tone ,
with talks by YL with p news
Dabanga with talks and mentioning a tel number
003*3*3 . Many mentions of Dabanga
EDC Sudan 1619 with mentions of 13***kHz advising address and web page at
edc.org ID also as SRS S10
7515 V o
martyrs (p) 1620 S5/4 QRN with talk sby OM
then YL over chorus music . Mention of Krist-ian
12115 ZWE
Community radio (p) 1623 discussion
between 2 x YL Signal S20 though
QRMd from 12110 VoR and 12125 FEBA
15103 Family Radio in unknown language on 1637 with ID Signal just S1
11955 AWR
(p) 2017 with hilife songs 2018 OM in ?? lang
(DY is referred in EIbi ) mentioning KItab , Kristo and Akana S9 44444
12160 WWCR
2022 OM with relig talks S5
6973 Galei
zahal with signal today S20 !!! 15850 is off
Trenton Volmet 2025 with weather
reports S1
6165 Tchad
2037 with OM in French , poor audio A sudden
sign off 2041
4835 RA 2048 with talks in Eng S5/3 qrn
7255 Nigeria with
stringed Hausa type music S9 45434
7460 RFA
2123 talks by var people in Korean and
piano music underground S5 352-2
unknown pirate? 2127 with ambient music (closer to rave or hip hop )Maximum
signal is S7 NO id for about 30 minutes
Shiwang zhe sheng gioji guanbo diantai (SOH ) with carrier from 2155+ At 2200
with ID then talks by YL in CC . S7 max
and rather undermoded
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