Κυριακή 14 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Logs for 13+ 14


1179  ERA was off for 13th  on 2100 and for morning of 14/10 . New tune in 1607 on 14/10 with normal signal

1044  is now occupied by a local (?) relay from 104.9  Radio Deth (THS Intl Fair ) with signal S9  but having QSB  Found on 13/10  on 2100 Also morning of 14


7295  R Algerie  with signal S10 an talks by OM .and sudden s/off on 0557 . ON 9535 sign off on 0558  for ca 1 minute then back with  different  fading curve (P2 or 1 sec fading between S5-9) tough similar signal

9565 S R Deus e Amor with ID and web address (did nt catch ) S5 25332 

9665 R Marumby (p) 0605  with adverts  and then with religious  talks  S2 only 15332
Recording here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13626124/
10000  Italacable 0615 with experimental transmission
Recording here : http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13626123/

11570  EWTN 0620 with signal S2 - relig program

11725 RNZI 0623 with signal S9 max

12230 Firedrake 0743  S2 max
15940 Firedrakw 0752  S4 max

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