Πέμπτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Happy wolrd radio day 2025!

After  reading the post please  feel urged to write your opinions in the comments!

On 13/2/2025, rather than getting involved in regular DXing, I decided to do something more innovative. As you may know, I am very interested in generative AI, particularly in visual art and composition of music.

Today, I
wish to show some of the art works generated by AI and web applications that finally led to a collection of musical pieces. I will first introduce some of the interesting pieces, starting with those sounds similar to old radio music. A group of these pieces has already been released in specific online communities and special newsgroups on Facebook.
DO not forget to reply back to me via  email  with your comments or below  otherwise  it will be  the only time engaging Ai.for the art of DX. Very seriously.!
This article was prepared  very fast

The songs [links to dropbox]

The glocbal listener 

The technical  listener 


Picture Theme A:  vintage radio  

Picture Theme 2  : YL  hearing with music with a  radio Walkman


Theme 3 : A typical  DXer with lots of gear.


Hope you will find the subject  interesting. 

this article has been made in short time

6 σχόλια:

  1. A friend from Spain
    Hi Zach, very nice page, The first song is the one I like the most, and of the photography themes, the third, a typical DXer with lots of gear.

  2. a friend from Brazil
    Song – “Global listener” (wonderful song!)
    Picture Theme A – The third image.
    Picture Theme 2 – The second image.
    Picture Theme 3 – The first image.

  3. My congratulations for your work.
    I really liked how "DXing in tech" turned out, with a very good rhythm.
    My respects and greetings from Argentina.
    (from FX group )

  4. From a friend in Australia
    I prefer the third theme of listeners or collectors with heaps of radio or electronic gear:
    I prefer the first song A Global Listener, much to my preference.
    The page is looking really good there and images are high quality.
    The MP3 music clips are sounding flat and unexciting though in quality, lacking fidelity!

  5. Friend from Sweden
    I have nothing much to say about the songs and pages. It looks nice.

  6. From Glenn Hauser USA
    I prefer the Global Listener, and pictures 2. Maybe will play on WOR.
