Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local
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A simple audio diversity technique to test the sensitivity of two radios
21/12 monitoring
Legend :
## / light-blue
screenshot available only in selected FC
pages as above
$$/green remote
kiwi reception
equipment reception – mostly PL380
4850 XJPBS in KZ with -83db over -110dbm noise Mostly with songs nearly killed by the inherent local noise
4625 UVB75 with once again extended buzz
5810 Mike radio for sure with songs :1739 hard to say I m sorry , -79/-110dbm with up to 25 db depth!
6090 at 1812 Amara radio is as a stable carrier with rally no modulation !
12095 BBC in Somali 1431 with phone ins -65dbm
5140 Charleston 1453 quite to early in airing -87/110dbm
5810## Mike radio? 1455 with -85dbm signal silent night on 1457 with more Christian songs after NO ID at 1500 except the Christmas song There is a QWRM on 5812.9 very 2 minutes frm a FSK/CW source They changed then to 5800 and off at 1530
5830## Radio Iran Intl 1507 with songs New? With nice pop songs and numerous ID in between till 1530 when the is hthe news
5995 Mali 1852 with trbial songs mixed talks by OM and YL -85;115dbm
6355 cland to N Korea 2041 with music and NK jammer in the freq -85dbm quite bassy
6400 Pyonyang pangsong 1541with -78/11d0bm and opera choirs 32max SNR
6419U takjs in seemingly GE or NL lang -95dbm at 2043
6464U talx in Arabic 2044z with -90/120dbm
6635 Kontayner with-80dbm signal just 15 kHz wide Also 6699
6985 the vault 2048 with songs -85dbm signal
7395 CRI in JJ ! 1435 motioning corona and other news with -83/-115dbm
7435 CRI on Nepali 1441 with tribal music eibi shows also RU pogram the same time with the same specs
9455 and 9410 at2058 firedrakes with very short tie difference less than 1 sec and masx signal of -60/115dbm
9950 TWR via MDG in Hindi ! 1433 with just songs -80dbm max
11695 Farda ? 1356 weariful world song then what ID that verifies it . great audio at 2c6kHz wide filter The next Persian song reminds Elvis song .11700 carrier for 20 seconds
11750 1402 with song instead of talx , noted in eibi as FEBC Lahu Generally strong QRM form 11745 Saudi Arabia Al Azm memleketel salaam
11760 VOA 1359 then with talk in CC - unsure if that is CNR or not !! 140051 with CNR program -75dbm
11795 RFA in bamar 1407 just -70sbm with talx with very good modulation! Mentions of Paul
11960 R Libery in turkmen 1411 with only talx -70/120 with up to 60dbRMS with many mentions of Turkmenistan
11975 r Romania 1415 , talks with many gaps in between , mentions pf presidents and politics of Romania
12025 AWR 1417 with talks in Hindi with maximum SNR at 45dbm
12045## RL in Uzbek 1420 with news and several ID before the program end Very annoying buzz on all this prg
MW 23/12
1512 pirate 1314 with Greek oldies -70db
1557 Paul Vas 1345 -82dbm strong local noise phone ins with bassy background while talking and carrier with volume decedent offset !There is also a buzzer 1560 kHz
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