Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Monitoring 16/9 /20

The day  I retuned home in my SDR PC after two week in the centre

4700 2233 mystery 21 with -80/-110dbm signal and isco music

4965 V of hope ID at 1943 heard quite poor with -81/105dbm signal

6070 Radio 292  with religious program at 1905 -70/-115 qrn dbm from chapter one of???

6090 Cri 1910 in Romanian with -55dbm signal and 11.3 khz wide signal and funny folk /traditional songs 1915 with web address and email then  lessons of Chinese lang

6120 NHK with talks in JJ on 1916  with -64dbm signal

6130 TWR swazi 1918 towards Angola ith talk in Luvango as noted by man . change of program into Portuguese and with a religious chorus song mention Jesus as IIshu as in Greek -76dbm

6145 KBS in French 1933 mostly with talks noticing also on k-pop and films -47dbm

6195 BBC via UAE 1937  with poor modulation that is so on -100dbm screen level  comparing to the -70db carrier level ..

6215 CNR outlets against SoHope @-64dbm   6280 @-88dbm  6340 @-90dbm

6340 poss CNR at 1941  wth -95dbm to max -88dbm but poor  audio

6604 volmet -100 2252


MW pirates

1686 and 1688  serbina pirates at -80dbm , talks and spradic music

1660 1902  double carriers in nearly the same powers

1730 pirate 1958 with western oldies of 60s -79/-110dbm heard better in the


Stop after …


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