Παρασκευή 2 Αυγούστου 2019

New logs for 1.8.19

Typical system R75 with 2x16 m antenna

Please read my QTH noise probem (500 words )

11635 VoKorea 1909 with operas S9
4750 Buzzing sound plus CW  herd in both sidebands of the signal
4860 harmonic of 1620 pirate station from Greece with S3 signal while the 5 MHz is ard S6 on 1914 . At 1955 th MW station is jammed from  a pirate od Thessaloniki leaving the 5Mhz in clear!
4930 VoAmerica  is the only audible broadcasting station of the time (1916). news mentioning Jordan and S9
4949.8 RN Angola’s signal trace with only S4
5140 Charleston on 1919 wit typical 40’s songs but with low signal
6030 Oromiya 1924 with Horn of Africa  (HoA) kind of songs .sound is vey strong regarding to the other stations with a bit overloading . 
7205 poss VoSudan 1937 with highly under modulated audio. It seems more than 25 db lower  than the normal Please listen:
7210 VoKorea 1941 is I //with 11625 with operas Strong QRM by Cri in Cantonese on 7215
7225 VoA 1947 in Kurdish , an interview with a woman . many mentions of Kurdistan Iraq and Baghdad . S10+ with strong fades
6050 & 7240 Xizang PBS is now back with good signals for both stations S9 and typical nice light music on 2011
9525 Cri 2035 , program in Russian S9
9420 ERA is today vey low at S4 on 2037 with traditional songs Listn to the audio here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ee9r70vmslfhox7/9420%20ERA%202037%2010819.wma?dl=0
11670 Radio Havana Cuba 2040 with latin music S9
6090 Amhara 2018 with HoA songs an signal S5 max

MW logs
1538.9 greek pirate on 1955 mixed with another station . Poor  sinal around S3 that  is not Dytikos Echos . Unstable carrier
1431 station from University is now back around 2-4 days . signal now is S10 on 2000 . the CD was stuck for more than 10 hours heard also on 2.8 with the same repeating track of 2 secs

Nonbroadcasting stations
4765 CIS 12 idling signal in Tajikistan’s freq  on 1912 with signal S9
5350 packet of multiple JR6 signal with level up to S10 surely the operator  is very close to my city
5505 Shannon Volmet 1921 with weather forecasts ,mixed with ALE signals
6617 Murmansk meteo is generally a very easy station in my town. Here is the audio for listening only  
7664U a QSo network on 1952 with talks in Italian .
11253 RAF  2047 with weather forecasts S7 max
10871.8 D marker Odessa  S7
10460U 2054 OM caling in RU  with max S4 Good copy

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