Σάββατο 31 Αυγούστου 2019

Logs for 29-8

…via R75 and inv dipole with additions the time of writing 31-8 

3910/3930 VoPeople  only jammer is heard with S9 signal in both freqs  
4216 TAH Turkish with dummy sigal in CW and SITOR 2118
4331 4XZ CW marker ad Cu S20 max
4750 on 31-8 there is a transmission on a turkic lang that time However the inro music is I Hindi Signal is S5 audio :
4778  a carrier only at 2113 S5 and fast fade S5
4800 this day there is no signal They stopped it?
4820XZ PBS 2124 Chnese service with nice pop music
4849.5 RN Angola S3 very poor but music is maginally heard
4885 VoP 2113 mixed wit CdPara in a signal pf S7
4990  Cw sgnals with .-.  .--.  – as marker 2110 S7
15610 EWTN 2058 adverts max S10 frank academy and address
15825 WWCR 2107 priest with religious talks in Spanish ON 31.8 with S2-6 max on 1848 
7780 RAE 2220 via WRMI with program in german with ID and asking leters S9 

MW listing
729 RNE covering most time ERA with almost S9 signal !! Very Bad propagation in Greece indeed
801 RNE  Cataluña (?) 2208 with discussions and a carrier on 804.26kHz  In the time of writing 1920 31-8 the signal is S6
1245 posisbl Absolute R 2128 with talks in hard British tone ,
1260 RNE 2130 with signal of S3 only talks and possbly news mentioning Indonesia and Barcelona
1314 Oltenia Romania2126 with nice pop song S9
1413 Vesti FM 2200 with ID at ToH  then with novosti  (news)S10 +
1566 poss HLAZ or Benin S3  max signal 2157
1568 greek pirate 2154 with old Greek songs
1685 pirate from poss FYROM with shor talks and music ,quite bassy 2137 annoying the nearby  Qso  from Greeks

Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Logs 30-8

New logs of 30-8 

Expecting your observations or opinions on these logs

11910 NHK? Yes in Japanese yL with piano play   while teaching . -67dbm  S9

11820 Oman? S10  -63.5 dbm

11810 BBC at +20 with news

9818.5 R 19-7 at -90.6 dbm mixed wit CNR2 of the same signal

9665.07   V MIzzionaria  Portuguese 2125  with talks and music mix aleluyah  -83 S7  phone ins with a child(/) ultima hora . carrier on 9664.9 kHz

9640 CRI in ?? with pompous song ,20 kHz spread audio , nearly HIFi quality   -59 dbm S10-20

9445  AIR 2117 trad or religious songs with S9 -70 dBm

9420 ERA VOG 2116 Greek ballad song Just -83 /S7

7780  WRMI very poor at -91.7 S7

6693 YL in RU with possible meteo  on 1916 -116dbm

6630 QSo in English YL from Centre 1913

6400 Pyongyang Pangsong 2107  after the hymn with man talking , possibly the program  o news (iran mentioned and Kim il So ng .QRM  6410 Stanag

6300 pirate 2106 ol rocks S7 -83.5dbm

6270 piratw with pop song S9  /-80dbm great audio 2105

6270 pirate very poor 1912  at -97 o -103.5 dbm

6250  Echo of Uni , Korean talks on 1826 while the white noise from N Korean leaves them be heard…

6205 LHH? 1828 with some dance music that mostly rhythm is heard. -95 dbm max of S6 (?)

6195 BBC news on 1904 with -75 to -80 dbm signal

6180 unIDed signal with just -95 to -99 dbm ie marginal above -120 noise floor  , with talks but very diffiuclt to separate language . sup VoA French as per Eibi

6180 BBC Somali 1821 three  mentions of bbcsomali.com and also on Facebook , melkasta @ malkasta com mentions of Russia  Tehran Kabul etc Audio has some inner hum Good audio and sound more than 5500 kHz wide

6170 started on 1900 with -60 to -67  in Kudish with many mentions on Kurds and Turkey VOA.

6165 CRI English 1729 interesting discussions and great audio. -57 dbm

6160 SW Radio 1844 with old pop song and talks by man in English . the oce of the very young man QRM by 6155 VOIRI  Signal -82 to -95 bottom and nice sound . The song is quite old Next song is So sad from Ederly bros (shazamed )then referred by he speaker refereeing on 72  -unshazamed – News then from UK (BBC?)

6140 AIR in Hindi 1725 with old Bolly cinema songs , of Lata Mangeshkar’s and other well known signers or actors S9 (-60dbm)

6120 Xinjiang PBS Uighur .YL with political news mentioning Ankara on 1732

6110 Fana Radio 1733 man in Amharic with talks  (news?) max –-83 to -73 dbm max

6110 Cri in Russian 1908 with news  -59 dbm  max signal may times mentioning Kitai China best filter is 5kHz

6100  TWR Yao program 1712 with signal S8-9 discussions and laughs

6090 Amhara 1738  interview with a man , political talks in Amharic mentioning Senegal -74 max to -86 db bottoms every 15 secs best reception to 3 kHz bandwidth

6070 DARC 1742 old German song , speaker in German next songs that  eds 1747 is a singer paying with guitar. -76 to -83 dBm

6040 VoA in local ZWE languages ,1749 with talks  song intro  1752  interrupted for 15 secs by the speaker Great signal of -73 to min -86

6015 two stations mixed with total signal of -56dbm max . One seems as Turkic

6000 CNR1 man with talks mixed with nice easy listening pop song by man . sudden start by Adygey Radio  in  with -60 dbm at wipes out CNR

5140 Charleston  1932 with typical songs of 50s and signal -76 mean

 MW :
873 RNE with  buzz carrier on -1500 HZ Talks S5 only

810 R Skopje 2152  trad songs S10
738 RNE talks on 2152 bah blah and laughs S+10 1044 RNE aloud talks by men S7
Greek pirates at 2146 on 1520 with S9+5 / 1660 S8 /1670 S18 ith rocks  /1690 jst  on the noise /1700 S20 /1730 S9 in thenoise just ruythm 1759