Κυριακή 13 Ιανουαρίου 2019

4980 Supreme master long multi SDR fieldscan

Supreme master  4980 using various Kiwi SDRs and some late time bandscan 
Very long two day report 

Below is a very loose  report in testing WRMI Supreme Master__ on new _4980kHz _ using various Kiwi SDR sites in my very annoying 10" tablet  and also my QTH rig  without noticing down any info due to very late time while my family was asleep (local time is 1-2 morning or 23-00 UTC) for the day of December 28th :
The tablet can't be restored due to inherent problems happened 3+ years after the purchase toutgh i keep it 'as clean as posible' . I keep it untill it 'dies'

Notice that the station has not replied to my two emails I used the info@wrmi.net adress....- or it is wrong?

The testing in diferent QTHs :
in Greece :4982 with FDM carrier S9+ in my QTH Same in two more SDRs Zante & N Makri (near Athena)
in W.Russia : XJPBS  - good signal
in Germany : FDM carrier at +2 kHZ
in Jakarta : very poor Urumqi same in N Zealand
in Brazil :   poor WRMI signal /  viatnamese talks
in Miami USA  checking two kiwi receivers same QTH  : poor signal (!!)I can suppose the siystem is under repair or conenctions are very loose
in Conciord  USA(?unsure  ) : fair signal ,viatnamese tht followed with ID : Supreme master
For system setups please visit their main page via the sdr.hu site

After this monitoring session i retuned for very short time in my reception system lookign a bit with these signals on the 5 MHz band Local noise is S2 on AM narow adn on times 2357-0000:
4980 still the FDM at S9+(?)  and Urumqi at S6 clearly audible at 4978.6 only with AM narrowband
5010 S3  new WRMI? previously checked on the secind US Kiwi SDR
5025 S5
5040 S5
5060 S8
5130 S3
5140 S4 unofficial from italy
All these sigals were a fast bandscan of less than 15 secs each except 4980 (ard 1 min)
I m intending to do a new report with more token - ie times etc asap that will be posted later in my bspot page together .

New report on the next night 
Further to the previous report i made a new multi SDR sesion to look ona what is happening with the new 4980 transmitter using various ssytems across the globe in difernet times.
First for 2100 time : 
2142 Montana USA   noting
2144 Washington  USA  nothing
2146 BUrke VA  S10
2147 Kansas   S5     [S10 = S9+10 db]
2150 SB campo BRZ  nothing . On 4932.0 Heard something as R 9 Julho with S7 Site has a time for reception r!!!
2154 Santiago nothing on 4980.
Jakarta today is off

Recheck was after 2300 aftew waiting XInjiang PBS to start: (around 2315 )
2321 New Delhi S10 Urumqi and the FDM in USB (4 kHZ wide)
2323 Nea Makri  GR Urumqi  plus FDM
2332 Paradinho BR noting . something local in 4985 with S10 - unlisted in EIbi
2235 Ukraine  S9 Urumqi clear from FDM

2239 Montana WRMI S7  Also 5010 at  S10 , 5025 and 5040 at  S10
2342 Burke WRMI S10 5010 at 10 , 5025 20, 5040 10
2343 Kansas WRMI S7 5010 7 ,5025&40 10

2347 Santiago CH nothing
2349 SB Campo BR S5  WRMI

2351 Novogorod RU Urumqi S7 clear  (ant : 1 m loop )
2356 Italy (J2C4S ) Urumqi S10 with FDM  Also 5010 @7 , 5025 and 5040 10
0000 Aicante SP:  Urumqi S9
0006 Germay : Urumqi S9
0020 Qatar Urumqi marginal

From the above i can undestand that Urumqi does not reach the Americas adn thissis possibly the reason that WRMI prefered to go so low. What do you think?

Futhermore below is  a short timed bandscan on 0020-23 on 5 MHZ .Please notice that the band is full of local noise mainly from DSL with levels between S3 and S5 max

4765 Tajik R S5
4885 Clube Para S9
4980 Urumqi S7
5010 S5 WRMI ?
5025 S5 & 5040  Cuba
5060 S7 XJPBS Chinese
5140 S7 the unoficial
7780 WRMI has a S7 signal. THis was  the same level also on 27th on 2135 airing a  rock song.

Update 13-1-19 : WRMI seems deleting alll frequncies in that band as i seen in eibi today. 4985 is now noted as RBC form Brazil while INdia made several additions on 4970.

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