Παρασκευή 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Very Uninteresting hearings the Christmas Day

When the progam you hear  is more interesting than the logging  
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Unlog: 4980 waiting for listening the new WRMI transmission on 21+ as noted in hard core DX . The signal was just marginal n a quite clear local environment that could be only traced as carrier with SSB For the 2 next days the signal if it comes from the station was nearly the same tough the noise level was quite higher at S2.

Two very interesting MW listening sessions same night LT : 
RNE at 21+ a program starts with the 'holy night' song adn two speakers refer about a live transmission Tenerife and the symphonic orchesttra via the  RNE network that incliudes  the REE RFE and R5 The program included various Christmas songs and  operas with a 2 hour duration and short comemnts by the two comenters in betwen. ON   2245 there was a well knon Christmas song sung by the children group.

R Romania Actualitata was their  competitor on same time with a similr program that included opera songs and  known western songs sung by tenors and hot applauds in between. The Spanish opera program ended on 23 adn then there was a discussion program from. In conrtrast RRA continued with a Christmas concert of suposdly Celeine Dion and mates who adresssed in English and sung various soings of her repertoire including the Titanic song. Previously 2050 it airead happy classical music as from vivaldi etc. That program was cut for the station program's  ID
I used  several freqs of both stations  to have a better signal while i was listening  in the +bed+ after 2125. Among the freqs used were 855 and 909  for RRA while 738 and 774 for RNE among the tens used across all the band.

Both programs were wonderful that made me  really feeling the   mind of christmas  for all this period even that i watched a some  thatres the previous days .

More logs later. Some family tasks are more important  for the moment..6 pesons are 'above my head' and intrude my peresonal life  unstoppedly.....

Please post your comments below Thank you.  

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