r75 and 16V antennas used
15315 BVB 1608 in english 1615 in sudanese lang oromo? fair Jul 14th
15530 0755+ nice pop songs then 0759ID (i left the radio thet time for suden task) freqs adn then s off
17490 CRI in Eng 0910 and 0815 withpoor signal Jul 15th
9530 2152 jesus man speaing ina thatre way and weeping id? 'akbar mufra' mentioning maria magdalena Jerusalem >>HCJB Akhbar Mufriha in hassinya
9515 CNR 2201 adverts news read by YL S2
531 JIl FM 2213 with rather poor signal S5 wirt a old dico song "i weant ?? and i want it now"
1550 RASD 2216 good at S6 adnclrar from QRM 1548
9910 AIR /7550 with sgnal <S6 and hindi program till1800 then with Eng Jul 16h
9900 KBC S Korea 1755 with program in korean
9940 TWR 1803 talkts mixed with afro and french
12095 BBC in arabic 1807 refering to rusian american politics
7445 BBC //9410 in English ID 1815
15445 NHK 1822 japanese sngs from 50!s S10
9510 R sama (??) 1834 numers of contact
15825 WWCR 1840 with max signal of S5
9470 Cairo 1845 talks in italian withID poor audio and buzzy soff 1846 S9
9480 CRI French 1847 with song and ID S5
9490 R Tirana? [what i get from a posbile mention ] 1847 with italian languge 'arte & cultura' program THen with 'modern' arabic song that can make me think of Cairo instead of Tirana
9515 CRi 1856 nice CC songs as filler inbetween programs ID 1900 with 'Rozhlas' then news suppozing Chech language S10
7205 Sudan 1902 progra im arabic mentionng S arabia
7275 VoA in kurdish 1902 abot tukey iran etc IDas denge america S10
7255 CRI 1909 in turkish with ID then turkish folk song
7280 VoVietnam 1911 news in Eng ID prgoam on inovations S9
LW outlets audible here all with poor signls : (+ with signals above S5 )
153,, 177, 182 ,198, 225+, 233 ,252+
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