Clasic recption system : R75 1x16 inv V AND Q3 recorder
4804.13v 2040 harmonic of 1601.39v greek pirate at which has te same lave at S5! the fundamental is QRMed from 1602 with stronger signal that causes reception posisble only with LSB !
1550 RASD 2050 talks in arabic S5 signal frm RAI on 1548 is rather poor at S4
1305/1008/729 ERA 2055 airing Kosmos prgram with foreign music
1566 fTWR from Benin 2121 man refering to bamako , religious talks in unIDed language a guitar play 2158 retune in with french talks . incredible signal to S4 audible for more than 70% of time. There are some recordings posted here:
1610-1775 kHz were filled by greek and slavic pirates on 2130-7 !
1278 2137 songs of turkish or turkic song of traditional style one of them mentioning Yerevan , very short talks by YL wen te signal was faded out that icould not recognize the lang . max level S3 at most time with S1 adn below
mwlist mentions IRIB kemanshah tough music is totaly diferent !
1233 Radio Deczovka 2145 with ID then with germanic songs S5
1377 2204 with pop rythm music S2 max , poss radio one from italy as per mwlist
1386 2209 russian station mixed with greek radio pirate >>> mwlist writes : baltic waves relaying RL-Ru
1413 Vesti FM 2210 as heard from UKR , woman with talks poss news S9 >>MLD
1467.4 IRIB 2223 traditional song , bername short balh blah in farsi then back to songs S5 Mixed from 1467 requires playingwit the filter
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