Κυριακή 14 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Logs for 14.1.18

9930 WHRI  1020 talksinEnglsih  Marginal
9990  Farda 1022 a hip hop  song then american song follows.S3 mixed with a carrier
6070 RTI inferator kalendar funktion S10
15150 CNR  1030 'Xinwen dianbo' (news prgram )S6   //9820
17570  1030 man in pres HU language  .underground  talks by man shouting-like  on koran themes Arabic station in//17610
17760 KWT 1039 withnice western pop songs. Heard no talks . S5 max
12205 'Haye Iran'posible ID  1043 with freqs aired in Farsi and continuous mentions of Iran.S5

9180.1 SoH  1443 tailks by man in CC 1445 music 1447 commentrary by another man .signalmax is s2 though on  47 signals is marginal at best
9100 Echoof Hope 1452 mixed with  a FDM carrier under SINPO 21x32 rare cases of music listening
9835 RTM-S 1456 a rok balladsong 1500  news S5max
9839.86 two stations mixed  one must be Chinese or vietnam in CC .S1 with16db preamp
9865 Vid Bharti 1517 inthe clear with man in news -hindiS7
4980 (7) 4850 (9) 5060(9) are stations fom XJPBS on 15xx
6165 CRI 1531  is announced   in haryanvi after the ID instrad of  noticed farsi and many mentions in the language an  Iran  .Very diferent than Farsi but music background is surely afghan persian
5845 BBC ?in Urdu 1546 talsk between a manand a woman  and many refs to Pakistan
1602 radio  agipe ? 1556 slow songs Near ToH signal is quite low to hear   ID if any .

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