Τρίτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

logs for Chist-mass 17

with many stops in between logs  for family reasons
7181.5 VoBM 1710  talks in AR  S7
9775 SABC 1711 talks rhen songS7
4885 VoKP 1913 talks  in Korean  S7
4930 VoA STP 1913 adverts S9 'intl edition'
9835 RTM-S 1916 songS3 QRM9840
9860 firedreake? 1917 trad CC playsmixed with  another station
9875 VoK 1918 koreanoperas S7
11880 ?? 1927 music then IS of p. Vatican then talks in EG wit religious talks and news .no entry inEibi .sgnsl S5 undermoded
12160 1947 adverts 'art of show' program 1954
12105  WINB 1957 Christmas song  and wishing you mary chistmas S1 onny
15390  REE  1958 a rock song  fast talks by Woman in Sp then clock and ID then news first abt CTL S1  //15500 S3
15580 VoA 2004  talks in swa mentioning studio7 mixed with tras  afrosongs as  background S9
7550 AIR 2012 wth very poor mod als on 9445 poor mod with a Bollysong of  70s using  Enlish lyrics 'come fast not be slow'featuring  poss  amitabh.hinfi talks after the song
6225.15 pirate with merry chistmas song 2027

MW 1530 VoA via IT? 2004  talks ID by man then menioningChrstimas .,mixed with station in magyar
and 13990 on 0742  twogreek operators on USB on 26th

Also during sleep using degen PL380 and its built-in antenna on the bed
7375 CRi2115 a song thatseems  viet in music but singer sings in CC,tals infrench Good signal
7360 IRIB progra in spanish to be terminated that time as noticed  byYL 2120 strong
7320  denge kurdistan 2123  talksand a violinplay ,man talks dllsond strong  signal
7300 akbar muhrifa 2124 relig  talks in arabic 1228 asong Goodsgnal
7280  VoVietnam 2130 IS then ID then programinEnglsih thenme onViet curency fair
7205 ??? 2138 talskand discssions in FR continuous mnetions on canada then an interview in Eng translated into Frennch Good
MW 8i9 cairo till 2215 wth old songs ID  adverts ten mention on Quran good

Κυριακή 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

short log line 24th

7310 on 1208  heard as 1x131 On 1257 i heard  a chinese stattion
7720has beee tested in various times witot any signal .Local noise is S6
9745CU Bahrain 1258 wth arabic song
7370 CNR1 1259 with ads andID  S5/3 QRN
7390 seems VoA 1301 news inEng .mention of MrxicS5/3
7545 1305 talks in CA or amoy S5/3 FSK onUSB
7560 KNLS 1307 with just carrier inisde the localnoise QRN
7340 AIR 1312 Bollysongs of 60s S5
9526 VoINs1354 tune in  ENg talks then a song S5max fast fades

Σάββατο 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs 22-12 -17

Mary Christmass to anyone !!

Use: R85 plus 16 V
15370  RHC1511  song  Sp  talks  1512  back to song S3 max
15420 BBC1518  news in Am English mention of African  countries then a phone in
15580  VoA 1518   oldies , talks mentioning  hadhtag #bcvoa and twitter S20!!
15610 EWTN 1520 str*&^ng in your  life ,advert for GodandUniverse
15825 WWCR  1523 christmas song sung by children S8
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 1525 choirs  sung by  women S4
7520 Denge Kurdistan  1526 s.one menioning Ocalan. another with political talks 'gamuk parti' and mantioning harakat kurdi S7
9835 RTMS 1535  with songs signal only S2
4850, 4980 and 5060 XJPBS well received at S6 on 1538-9
6090 Amara radio ETH 1542 talsk byOM  mixed with HoA songs max S9
9526 VoIns back kto this  freq 1545  with today's chldren song 'can mali can' (tsan) sung by men who ...enjoyed well singing that.by chance a notice Nino bobo by indondutch fem singer   Anneke presumably  a hit on 70s (?) is now a children song

MW with Icom
1566 CHN??  1532 talks in CC then with song Not in//4800  9820 Possibly this is the religious station   HLAZ from S Korea
1404  magyar program mixing with RRAktualitata  at 153x heard after 1566 Surely no signal from ERA

Use Bolong transistor radio + * m wire  (frq  check with1103DE )
11855 VoA Afro1642 news  on Sudan and corrupt people  strng
11990 1650 religious program in UNid Afro lang mentining many times Martin Luther King.So I suppose Lingala
9770 NHK 1713 an ENKA song 'hanano sakamasiyo'  from Osaka local
9390 R Tailand 2045 variosu news inEnlsih .suden s off .11secs  later restart with program  in Thai (thisThai seems rather Viet ) mentioning LNB Vietnam

Τετάρτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs for 20 12 17

15160 R Sama 0808 traditional musisc mixed with talks in arabic  or fench intonated arabic ( eibi notices AWRKabyle  )S5max
15290 NHK RJ 0814 program in Frencch tl0815 then IS and music in various languages S2only
15145  AWR  0825 in French 0827 ID  and freqs S7
15335 CRI 0830 in russain with talks (news) with many refs to China adn once for Moskow S4
9715  SABC 0836 with  Kuranic program  S1 only
9900 seems Farda 0840 with pop sogs justS1
7250 0846 with quranic psalms  just marginal at best Unsure if //9715 but seems  same voce . poss Kuwait
15450 FEBC 0854 with lenghty IS in CC as ka-yan bodientai At 0900wit talks inscheduled  Huizou
9460 POs Turkey 0902in Spanish with talks by YL S1 at max
7285 CRI 0903 talks in Romanian S3

MW :
far  stations  heard on 08++: 531 Jil Alg S7, 540 HUngary S 3 ,548  Ru,558 S3 ,575 Bu? ,603 Rom ,625 Rom
729 ,1008 , 1404  ERA outlets +1431 Uni
greek pirates at:1250 S10 /1449 10 /1467  1/1538 1/1575 1 /1610 9 / 1680 9/1700  2

Δευτέρα 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs for dec 17th 2017

near midnigt ...puruntypos
9820 cNR2 is very poor on2126 at S2 leaving R 9/7  at 9818.8 of same level in the clear (S2)
6090  CNR //9820 is better atS7soicant listen to Kaduna on2128
6180 RNamazonia  2128 at S4 but at very low modualtion so i cantl isten easily under strongQRN.
11610 ?? 2130 lessons of Eng S9 One of the few in the band >>light of Life in CC
11580  WRMI 2130 sugeting listeners  todonload their app S8
7780 WRMI 2134 music prgram withDJwho prescribes the  song's  info S9
7285 CRI 2154 with  very long talks in Eng off 2200*
7290  CRI s/on 2159 IS ID then with program in KOrean S3
7590VoA 2227 with talks  ina  lag that seems Viet o Khmer
7530XuabXaamozoo 2231  with signal just S1 mixed with  a-co channel signal
7570  VoKorea 2231 with natioal hymn then pogam in spanish S9
7420 IRIB 2234 with news in INodnesdian manisslowreader S9  sond relatively trbley
9839.9  on2242 seems asCNR in a nearly margian signal Heard CC atS1  level
9835 RTMS 2243 seems fadein but still margianal
97925.43   R Evangelizar 2252 a song abot Brazil adn more songs then averylengthy  IS folwdby  religious talks
9664.9 Voz missionaria 2303 Brazil with religious talks S2

MW :
greek pirates  that time up to1780 on midnight LT
1512 off 1404 seems nearly steady1008 with mains buzz fro the orignal adaptor of R75   729 st S6 also with inline buzz
1539 the local greek pirat e is off  leaving two poor ( S3) RNE outlets
1550 RASD  2213  with  talks inAR 2215  a song 2219 talks S2 only
ON 23++ heard varios signals on1600 1610 1620that are possly coming from americas .Just S1 thogh there are several greks in the 9step matrix.