Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Logs for today 5/11

standard , pirate and via twente ...

One day i was alone in the house ! (just one day for only radio ..)
15240 R Australia? 0601 news just S1
15220 KBS 0602 news in FF mantioning also Xinjiang (or Shinjan?) and about KOrean Republic S10
15145 CRI 0606 Eng withtalks between O M And YL ,mailbox? S10
15120 CNR 0606 discussions and underground music S5
15125 CRI 0607 in spanish mentioning Libya SKoreaS10
15120 AIR? 1142 man singing o cahnting Islam Rashid ... Tara S5 >>SABC
7310 R700 1250 pop song S1-2 talks
7530 Farda ? 1631 with talks in Farsi >>BBC FS
7545 & 7565&7580 1632 CRI jammers of ca. S9
15124.03 CRi 1637 in arabic a balad song OM with emails and same info S7
7560 1805 with nice afghan (Indic type ) song S7 >>BBCDari
4557 VoPeople 1939 talks in korean mixed with NK noise jammer.
4949.7 Angola S4 with S3 QRN on 1950

Pirates and legal stations on predetermined band (manual sorting it was typed  in android using asimpe text editor )

6950 pirate 1617 songs S3
6267 ,6230 and 6305 pirates with signal below S5 under heavy QRN 1945
15037  got a traced * only carier on 0921 Also on 15043 and 15060   (* using SSB ) but unknown if they ewre hobbyist or jusst local
15040 CNR 1156 with CC song the taks byman and woman  in CC S5
15040  AIR 1242 Bolly 90s  S5 (both not onthe Eibi listing )
15070 Cupid radio 1507 ID and pop songs   sigal S7
15070.7 trace of carrier on 1624 unclear if comes from Cupid station was heard with fair signals till 1600 (i was  5 m far from playing radio )
21460  the supposed  first  hobbyist  radio staton noticed on was not heard on 08 neither on   09 (Cupid radio )
21470  BBC 1510 football playig  unID lang S5 >>Somali
21505 Ibrahim ? 1200 Arabic S5 , 1304 tribal style arabic song S5 >>BSKSA

and some Web SDR  on Twente on 1955-2015
4750 Bangla , chantings
4930 VoA Sao Tome S7
4949.7 Angola is marginal
6205 with S7 , 6230 (marg ) 6267 (S9 )

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