7310 marginal on 0825 , just a marginal carrier on 0930
1580 pirate 0840 airing public addressees of P. Christoforos the chief of the church on 80s about the conflicts between Curch and Govt of that time S30 signal
15135 CRI 0900 with emails , a song then talks in ML S3
15170 ?? 0907 in Russian language mentioning China ,low mod S1
11520 EWTN 0910 religious talks S3
18130 UT5EL amateur with CQ CQ DX fair
9510 R Citi 0929 old rocks S9 in German
531 JIl FM 0919 stillin the freq with ID , adverts S6
557 0920 songs of 70s 'sweet operator (?)" S3
Many greek pirates found today on 1682 1659 1640 1630 1618 16021565 1538 1520 1485 1368 1358
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