sorted by time and writen very fast sory for typeos
21550 0901 church S1 max spur of 21560 >>vatican
21670 SABC prg in Indo 0907 mentioning telephone numbers 03737030 006808..27070 web page 0906 quran S6
15770 AIR 0916 in Indo with song then man with strange talking ans stopping many times S7
13090U greek pirate op QSOing , speaking obscurities !! 0925
15068 RTI Intl (sounded to me actually a free radio ) transmitting for 2 mins then changed to 15059 and wandering carrier signal max S2
15170 0943 Hindi talks about Japan SBSS S9 (CRI? )
Greek pirate station on MW on 0900 with their signals
1305 (5) 1368 (9) 1387 (9)1431 Uni (9)1440 (4) 1540 (3) 1557 (3)1575 (9)1602 (9) 1628(5)1641* (4)1700 x 2 (3)
* no mod
Twente free radio from NL: (0945-1000 )
6205 , 6220 , 6242, 6250, 6266 6280 6286 6305 6320 6350 6380 6400
9677 Talish etc 1002 YL with taks in Turkish or seemingly Turkish S5 and garbled with spurs
9835 CNR1004 talk in CC S2 //9825 adverts
greek pirates on 1000
1301 1368 1385 1467 1585 1597 1649 16570 1686 1700
11430 CNR 1057 talks poss news 2 max
11550 CNR 1058 jammer against SoH? S5
21334,2 amateur with countdown numbers S4 others are abt S1
21285,5 1110 Jam 9A CQ contest
9510 1118 with Eng relig program S3 >>IRRS
9420 CNR 8 1122 news in abt Turkiye S5
9705 XJPBS 1123 YL news abt turkey S8
9750 NHK 1124 with discussions in Jap S1 max
9875U operators 1125 in Turkish ! Ican understand whay they used a standard radio bans to communicate ....
9910 TWR 1128 with nice IS played in guitar . Program in CC ID ed as HUangshua GUuangbo diantai S9
9930 WHRI 1131 OM with religious program S5
9965 1208 excited people S7
9990 Dewa ? 1208 LA style Persian song S7
15040 CNr jammer on 1218 against AIR (seems they aired CC program,that time it was music played) s Signal S5 . ON 1253 only AIR was heard though CNR was again back on 15+
Greek pirates added on 1200
1260 1355 1440 1495 1520 1587 Off are 1305 1386
A poor carrier traced on 15046 on 1218 Was it pirate?
7310 1220 mentioning R Australia S1 via mi amigo ?
7385 Xizang PBS 1223 talks in Tibetan S2
9835 adn 11665 RTM S witrh just trace of signal on 1225
15795 1228 with relig program Thanks for listening address in Lancaster TN 37085 Chicago S9 >WWCR
15480 TRT> 1240 prg in Turkish with music and talks S5
9645 CRI 1240 In English with travel and mentioning economic transition of the country S10
9620 1242 'belibeh sum boli' supposed song title from Indian religious song in semitradtional melody HIndi program S10
9740 BBC1249 prg in English abot American elections, and Obama S5
9930 WHRI 1300 with news in Eng Trump again attacking Hilary UNR Radio news and intl news from World vision signal up to S9
21560 Vatican 1309 talk in Italian on violene and trrosrism (deliberate typos) S1
21610 ToM 1311 man shouting as he was mad S6
Greek pirates on 1400
Found only these : 1260 1484 1368 1521 1540 1555 1575
15140 Oman 1359 with ID in English . its signal has something broken audio S10 . All time listened some 'hratches' sounded
21505 SABC 1402 ID in arabic S5
15059 on 1429 pirate with ID as RTI as sounded to me . IN just two moments he changed to 15059
15825 WWCR 1427 religious program S7
9745 Bahrain 1436 with traditional song then YL taking and mentioning some countries as America S3
7615 1441 with 'hallelujah' of YMCA then talks in Korean > V Wilderness
11470 CNR jammer against SoH 1454
15070 Cupid radio with great signal since 15xx and various songs Many IDs after ca 1600 the sigal was dropped abruptly though seemed not to sign off (not logged but written now by memory )