Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 2/5/15

....Using the  last Ivo’s info (last week ‘s)  in printed form  Freq ascending listing
  • PL380 inductive coupling to the 8  m antenna with signal  indications [signal / signal to noise ]
  • HF150  and 8 m antenna 220 deg azimuth

11510 Denge Kurdistan 1308 with song.  NO spurs here on +/- 20 Khz
11520 WeWN ? 1241  head just  a carrier
11600 B Stair 1320 with no signal
11605  CNR mixed with RFA  in Tibetan @1300 fair Cross QRM at 10 Hz
11675 CRI ? 1310  in Hindi mentioning satellite transmissions Then a Hindic song (seems not classical Hindi or Bollywood )  >> via Eibi but Hindi :(
11935  Xizang PBS 1239  poor  this time with talks in Tibetan
12035 VoA  Deewa 1337 with ID Fair
12055 TWR Garhwali 1327 with YL introducing  the program in Hindi Fair
12065 (S30 ) and 13840 (S40 and some QRM ) 1232  IRIB Dari with talks
12065 Farda 1301  with ID after the news Poor QRM on 1418 by RA , that time //13840  in clear
12M   nothing from VoV  there 1230
15280 TWR  Emergency  service ??1423 with relig talks (parmeswara ) in lang that seems Hindi fair
15562  VoT 1243  earlier  than noticed in Ivo’s listing with fair signal Same freq after 1300  Also a  Chinese prog on 15560 (CNR? Or VoT-CC ?  )
15590 RFN Korea 1253  with  reports in Korean Poor
15690 Farda 1224 wir ID and Persian music 45/10 Also on 17880 on 1227 with 36/10
15750  1223 talks in AR  50/25 max >> IRIB
15825WWCR 1219 do not area 59/15
17650 Mashaal 1220 reports from Istanbul 36-42/20 max
17845  ERGO 1228 between HoA and afropop music kinds 1234 with phone ins in Somali 32/9  mean
21610 B Stair 1330via WHR is here only with s poor carrier

And two of 3.5
7265 EMR 0801  a very faint carrier
9485 EMR 0903  also a very poor carrier

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