Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2015

HoA logs this date 27/5

17580 Codka Khatumo S10  in Somali  starting 20 secs after the  sudden carrier on 1659 with bismillahi ruahman ruahim  then web site codkakhatumo com
15245  Eri Forum also good signal at S10-20 max  with Arabic on 1701-2  and recheck on 1714 with  HoA song, ID ‘sawt on…..” and mention of Nairobi democrati
17630  V Oromo in Oromo 1704 with good signal also S20 and white noise background in case the signal is below than S15

Logs 26-5

Using HF150  an 8 m antenna

12025 BBC ? 1804 in Tamil ? with talks fair >>>AIR Malayalam
12015  VoK 1805  in German with talks then  opera Good
12120 R PIlipinas 1848 with ID and talks in Pilipino with sporadic English  words , many laughs fair
11605 RFA  1809 in Korean  OM string voiced , Romania  Washington  fair
11725  RNZI 1817  with ID and fair signal . mention on  lang preservation , 1836 with many IDs , and continues past 1836 with news , and mentioning their website on 1842
9505 Sudan radio with very low modulation that seems as  it were no mod with Arabic music At 1903 with talks in Arabic and HoA songs again with poor audio
11845  Afia Darfur ?  1829 with HoA  songs local signal sudden  s off at 1830
118635  VoA in Kirundi s on with local signal with mentions on Islamic state //13875  poor mixed with local buzzer
12065  R Australia   1845 theme on Jews Fair
11406~ harmonic of 1629v Devil R pirate  from THS  
9815 Farda 1854  ID and a Turkish like style song Good
9570  IRIB 1858  in Italian or Albanian  (not so clear as  signal seems compressed  from carrier or very low mod  with mention of Koran and ayatollah ) Some QRM  from Medi1 9575

Logs 23-5

R75 + 2x16 m antenna

1404  ERA ert-open  without modulation S3 only
11815  0732 about Sudan , Pushtu ? S5 low mod
15225  AWR ? 0752  with spiritual  talks un Arabic  mentioning ‘al kitab’
17895  SABC 0756  at oly S3 with Koran //11580  
7265 HLR 0611 with S 1 only English (S6 over 5 QRN  with preamp )
7310 looking for Radio Gloria  heard with signal below S1
9575  Medi1 0728  with pops songs S5 max

Logs 22-5

R75 + 2x16 m antenna
4557  VoP > N Korea 1759  someone speaks fanatically in Korean mixed with string white noise S7
6240 pirate 2013 old rocks S8
6265 pirate 1756 nearly marginal
6320 pirate 2014 with talks in NL  S3-4 and German songs
6734.9 C-LSB  pirate or amateur ? 2008 that became later AM @2043 , pirate with oldies At 2043 with song from Hawaii 5-0
7175  BOBM 2 1753 with outdoor recordings someone talking  but covered by the music 1755 FSK 50 bd QRM on USB
7508.7 CW marker D on 2000 with S5 , two other with signal of <S1 in = - 20 Hz
9835  RTM Sarawak 1735 with nice pop song
11665 Wai  FM 2239  with phone ins S7 34233
13695 AIR   1756 with old Bollywood songs //11670
13810  BVB? 1747  with talks sometimes  fanatic in Arabic S5 
15310  BBC 1730 n Dari ? mentioning Afghanistan S9 great audio
15510 1734   relig? Program in African lang mentioning Jesus S9
15570  Vatican Radio 1738  with prg African news panorama 
15630 Amara ? 1740   in Amharic mentioning Africa Ethiopia and some external reports  and Sidan S30 >>> Afan oromo /IBB
~17917 harmonic of 1628.92  of S20 Devil radio  Thessaloniki asking for QSO t. I a short time there was a QSO network between hi number 1 and Kostas (Constantine ). This Heard only in 1629

Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 21/5

Logs 21/5

15650 ERA 2143 with signal S7 //9420
4835  Australia ABC 2146 with signal S7 Quite good, the bestover much time .
5025  Australia with S7 signal on 2147
7508.9  a marker  D  2149 mixed with another on ca+30 hz  
1512 ERA  Chania is back //1404
6282.0  pirate 2204 with German song.S7 QSB 2

Κυριακή 17 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 16/5

 Freq sorting  

4900 AIR 1725  with trad music S9 // 4910 S9 //4800 S5 // 4810 S7
6070  R 292 with lengthy  IS and ID
6265  pirate 1733  with music S5/QRN 3
6295 pirate  1734 music songs  S5/QRN 3
6400 Pyongyang Pangsong 1735 Korean operas S9 max
9835  RTM Sarawak 17410  with D7 max signal fair signal S6  s9 @16h More on this station in my new e-book Malaysia 25 Years Survey       a $5 worth value . Anyone who will buy it , his  comments on the whole  book will be added in my next revision   http://goo.gl/Pi87gp Written for DXers ad Malaysians to buy it

11725  RNZI 1952 with discussion in Eng  abt intl law , prgs 2000 ID  S3 best in LSB
11790 R M …la  (didn’t cartch  ti properly but seems as  Adventist ) 1934 in Amharic with short music clip then talks  fast in-freq QSB due to co-ch QRM some mention of angels Adventist Cameroon
13580 BVBN 1715 ID  in Eng  talks in Arabic S30
1368 relig in Amharic  , the Greek local pirate elines radio was off
15190  Pilipinas 1900  with a song  co ch QRM S5
15245  1741  with HoA song S30 Arabic talks on 1859   s /of  leaving Korea at S9 with string QSB  >>>> via eibi Medrek on 1800 Asena in Tigre on 1700
15520 VoT ?? 1718  with folk song Signal S3
16570  CRI in Esperanto with songs and talks  ID 1715  S10

Τρίτη 12 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 11/5

Logs on local 5am  o clock the morning
1620 two stations from America 0245
4765  ??0245  with latin song >> p. progresso
4840  ?? 0245 in English S5 ??WWCR3
4930.05 ?? in English  >> VOA Botswana
5040  0247  talks
7730 WRMI 0248 S3 songs
6125  0249 talking ab telephone in Spanish S9

Δευτέρα 11 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 9+10/5

6070 R marabu > R700 @1851  with talks in German and a rocksong
9835  (+stream) RTM Sarawak  1950 with nice songs . this time more western songs are heard than before in a zone of totally Malay songs. Too bad S5

6095 KBC 1004 just S2 -3 max floored from local QRN  S3
7250 Vatican radio ? 1005 with prg in Italian S7 max
13800 Spaceshuttle 195  with carrier then song sweet dreams from  Eurythmics ID by man Spaceline dot com then 2004 with new ID clip . S3 25233 Also 2054 with ‘woman in love’ Streizand?  And S5 max
9665  cairo ? 2056 in Arabic with talks and garbled audio S20
9630 Aparecda 2057  with song S7 catolica puntu  Ave Marias and mentions  of J Christ
4985  & 11815  RBC back with talks in PP . the 5 mHZ  was marginal with carrier heard in SSB 1\QRM by 1182O S20 Jordan ?
6325.83 pirate 2105 with nice pops songs of 80s S7 still 2214
6265.46  Tango Intl 2106  with tangos S3
1044  Duffy  Greek pir with song of Vicky Leandros if someone remembers her
9630 IRIB 2110  in Albanian and a Persian  song S30
12M PBS Xizang  2112  in Tibetan with talks and song  that they  followed and experimented on it
15190 WRMI + inconfidencia 2114 mixed with WRMI wining over he other station S6
15344.86 RAE in Spanish 21116 with talks and dicussions
7550 1620 11670 AIR  on 2137 with no program
8819  Tashkent meteo? 2154 QNH with weather reports in Russian
9819.62 R 9/7 with music  S2 only
6205  pirate 2218  wth old rock and roll  songs

Παρασκευή 8 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 8/5/ 15

15120 Nigeria ?  0602 + 0612 in a noisy  background  from possibly DRM , and bad modulation  S10 Nothing on 9690 same time or is below the local QRN  which today is very low
15255  CH Africa 0614  report in harmonics 0622 just talks on amnesty to members
7255 BLR ?? 0619 with talks in RR  then  russian  ballad song (man with guitar )but very low modulation the reason I think it was BLR
15430 IRIB 0620 , hymn YL talking in French then with quranS9
15640 AWR 0628  in FR , IS YL  with AWR’s  address in Abidjan  in C d Ivorie s10
15500  IRIB with hymn 0720 then talks  in GE then Koran then s ioff

Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2015

Logs for Sunday 3/5

13800 Space shuttle heard  in the Jo23KF Web SDR with good signal S30 2000  with music from ‘Pop corn’ hit of 60s with 2003  with ID
Checked on 2030 in THS with signal max S6  and SINPO  34233  and Germanic  songs 2052  a song with many 'yoyos'
531 Jil FM  2050 2050 + with funny heavy local rock-ish  songs S7 33433
7530  Praise music ministries YL 2117  with talks in CC  S7
7505  CNR  being in //4800  with delay of at 0.3  secs  S7

Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου 2015

Logs 2/5/15

....Using the  last Ivo’s info (last week ‘s)  in printed form  Freq ascending listing
  • PL380 inductive coupling to the 8  m antenna with signal  indications [signal / signal to noise ]
  • HF150  and 8 m antenna 220 deg azimuth

11510 Denge Kurdistan 1308 with song.  NO spurs here on +/- 20 Khz
11520 WeWN ? 1241  head just  a carrier
11600 B Stair 1320 with no signal
11605  CNR mixed with RFA  in Tibetan @1300 fair Cross QRM at 10 Hz
11675 CRI ? 1310  in Hindi mentioning satellite transmissions Then a Hindic song (seems not classical Hindi or Bollywood )  >> via Eibi but Hindi :(
11935  Xizang PBS 1239  poor  this time with talks in Tibetan
12035 VoA  Deewa 1337 with ID Fair
12055 TWR Garhwali 1327 with YL introducing  the program in Hindi Fair
12065 (S30 ) and 13840 (S40 and some QRM ) 1232  IRIB Dari with talks
12065 Farda 1301  with ID after the news Poor QRM on 1418 by RA , that time //13840  in clear
12M   nothing from VoV  there 1230
15280 TWR  Emergency  service ??1423 with relig talks (parmeswara ) in lang that seems Hindi fair
15562  VoT 1243  earlier  than noticed in Ivo’s listing with fair signal Same freq after 1300  Also a  Chinese prog on 15560 (CNR? Or VoT-CC ?  )
15590 RFN Korea 1253  with  reports in Korean Poor
15690 Farda 1224 wir ID and Persian music 45/10 Also on 17880 on 1227 with 36/10
15750  1223 talks in AR  50/25 max >> IRIB
15825WWCR 1219 do not area 59/15
17650 Mashaal 1220 reports from Istanbul 36-42/20 max
17845  ERGO 1228 between HoA and afropop music kinds 1234 with phone ins in Somali 32/9  mean
21610 B Stair 1330via WHR is here only with s poor carrier

And two of 3.5
7265 EMR 0801  a very faint carrier
9485 EMR 0903  also a very poor carrier