Τρίτη 14 Απριλίου 2015

Logs of orthodox Easter 12/4/45

9890 VoK in English 1634 with talks and 1635  with operas Mixed with Xinjiang S9
9900  ?? 1638 in Hindi with  talks , phone ins  S9  QSB2 QRM from FSK on9905  50 bd , S9  >>>(BBC Sinhala via Kranji )
9930 KHBN with ToM ‘s religious speaker S6 25423
9950  AIR 1647 talks by man in a lang that seems Hindi (due to poor S3signal ) seems //11620 ID 1700
9975  CNR 1 jammer //4800 @1652 mixed with another station (RFA Uighur) S10
9870 Vivid Bharti 1656 with old Bolly songs (seems 60s ) clips and  talk sby OM in Hindi S9
9900 IRIB 1728  with metallic instrument , talks in German  ID then news S20 44444
7730 unid in 1739 with CC talks (spur?)  S0
9935  Sarawak FM 1747 with a hindi song and  nice S9 signal then mengerti of KRU More on this station and others in my ebook  http://goo.gl/Pi87gp  for only $5
11730  BLR 1806 with prg in German , news S20 low audio
11396 operator i n USB LDP  with taks in Eng S5 max
11392 operator 7967 land from  0282 etc S5 max 1808+  
11253  RAF Volmet 1812 with weather in English
15010  spur? 1815  of 15510  talks in Hausa ? S2  >>IBRA Beja
15610  KBS 1822 with Japanese song S5 max , prg in Russian ID 1825  phone in 25333
15215.02  Bible voice?  1829  with prg in English POB933 dot … radio , chorus @1830 signal only S2 (14232)  Unsure if this is really Bible voice due to very poor signal
15630.02 VoA 1835  with HoA song 1837  discussions in Amharic  S7 35322

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