7335 CNR? 2220 talks in CC S1
1260 SER 2231 with live sports program Atletico vs?? S9 /H antenna
7315 CRI
2238 in Esperanto (per Eibi) with talks S9 max
9835 RTM Sarawak 1750 pop songs S4 More info on my new ebook Malaysia 25 Years
Survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp Written
for DXers ad Malaysians to buy! Payments only by credit card
9705 “Geli
Kurdistan” ?? 1751 in Farsi or Kurdish
with many mentions of Kurdistan S10 VoA
per B14 combined
9280 R
Cairo 1758 with Turkish song . signal S9
‘Poska radio sedler’ was the ID heard on 1800 then Hymn At1806 audio is lower tin in 1835 but off
98380 R
Thailand 1808 with news in Thai S9 QSB 2
9655 1811
muddy and undermoded audio S10 unIDable lang and some audio buzz. R Cairo in Italian per
Combined list
WRMI R Africa 1826 with pop song (with a
continuous with you ) S3
1431 R
Ukraine Intl 1838 interview in Russian Many mentions of Ukraine S20 max 1858 ID
R Deshnye Ukraine . New program start I Russian on 1900
1566 Challenger and Greek pirate in mix plus a
wandering carrier on 1846 . USB reception
4976 Uganda?
1853 with a S9 carrier
6600 V of
People 1904 in the clear (no QRM )S5
Also on 4557 with S7over S2 QRN
4010 Kyrgyz
radio 1905 with very low audio S20 (a
poor nearby CW carrier also audible )
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