Τετάρτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

valentine's logs #2

Logs Valentine day using Web SDR in DK

4820  Xizang PBS CC2024  with nice CC music QRM  S10
4835  Australia in very clear background 2024 music S7
6200 Xixang pBS 2052  talks in TB S9
68812 very poor pirate from ??  2213
7205 ?? in French S2 RFI per Eibi  
7570 VoK 2028  in French , under ti with Korean talks  S20
11500  ?? in ENg S20 religious
11730   2036  web address  BLR?
11735  Tanzania 2036  audio on off problems S10
11760 RHC 2038  with music S9
117634.2 SRDA 2042  with  talks  S9
11780.5 Amazonas 2242  talks  S9
11815 not in freq
11840  VoA 2044  in French S30
11855  RJ 2247 in French S10

And don’t forget  to download my new  ebook Malaysia 25 Years Survey    http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

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